Changes of Street Patterns in Central Part of Taegu City

大邱市 都心部의 街路網 變化

  • Choi, Seok-Joo (Department of Geography, KyungPook National University)
  • Published : 1996.09.01


This study concern with the changes of street from the Choseon Dynasty to present days around Old-Boundary in Taegu, analyzing the backgrounds of change factors and development trends of the Taegu City. The basis element of a city structure is the street. Therefore, in this study, a chage of street space of a city was investigted. Historically, Taegu was a walled city and had a Mono-nucleus which was restricted by the castle, and served as a starting point of formation of spatial structuure. The form of the artery street took a "T" pattern, othe streets were formed in irregular shapes. As the city grew gradually, the castle was removed on account of diversification in traffic network, change of socio-economic organization in traffic network, change of socio-economic organization, formation of industrial bases and functional distribution. CBD of this city has been located within the area surrounded by these streets. This is a kind of general pattern of traditional walled cities through the world in both Western and Oriental societies. A s the begining of this centry, a 'Dark Ages' descended upon Korea because the country was under the Japanese-Korean Annexation, and, throughout this period, the urban planning was planned exclusively for Japanese. The street pattern within residential areas of Korea took the maze type, in contrast with Japanese residential areas which showed grid pattern of streets. This is another general pattern of almost of all colonial cities especially in Asia. High class residential areas were planned and built by Japanese, and they were located within 5-10 minutes' on-foot distance from the CBD hard core. This high prestige has continued until the 1980s when it occurred land use succession which commerical functions invaded into residential areas. Back in the colonial period, there was a between two hetrogeneous groups due to the fact that the Japanese lived mainly oriented the new railway system but that Koreans still lived along the old highway system which ran through the Korea Peninsula. Street netwook formed in the above process has maintained its shape without great changes after the liberation form the Japanese Colony. Taegu has, accordingly, developed ring-radial network system which has been a combination of radial and ring facilities. The present conditions of street patterns in Taegy mainly depend on 4 rings and 8 radius, with grid pattern street able to be found in Old Boundary.

본 연구는 대구시 구성곽내와 그에 인접한 지역을 중심으로한 가로망의 변화과정을 정치적 사회적 배경, 도시계획과 관련하여 고찰하였다. 대구읍성의 가로는 전반적으로 불규칙적인 미로형으로 나타나고 있다. 다만 4개 성문을 연결하는 간선도로망은 경상감영이 중심부 부근에 위치하고 있어서 +자형에 가까운 패턴을 보이고 있다. 개항이후 일인들의 주도하에 성곽철거와 성곽내 +자가로의 건설로 근대적 가로망으로 변형되었다. 그러나 식민지 정책의 일환으로서 대구읍성의 역사적 유물은 훼손되고 일인들에 의한 토지자본의 수탈이 일어났다. 광복이후 구성곽내에서 중앙로와 신설. 확장된 동. 서신로가 새로운 +자가로를 형성하여 기존의 +자가로가 쇠퇴하게 된다. 그후 중앙로를 중심으로 한 시가지의 남북체계가 동서체계로 변환된다. 이에 따라 추진된 동서관통도로의 신설과 확장은 대구의 중심이 남진하는데 영향을 미친다. 현재는 4개의 남북축 가로와 5개의 동서축 가로가 격자형으로 형성되어져 있다. 중심지역의 주거기능은 약화되고 상업기능의 침입이 진행됨에 따라 비도심시설을 정비하는 등 재개발사업의 추진으로 환경이 다소 개선되고 있다. 도시화가 계속된다고 하더라도 이 성곽내의 경상감영 등 문화적 유산인 것은 복원하고 보존되어야 할 것이다.
