광대역 CDMA 방식을 이용한 개인휴대통신 시스템 설계

A desing of personal communication system based on wideband CDMA

  • 최안나 (한국이동통신㈜ PCS추진본부) ;
  • 홍인기 (한국이동통신㈜ PCS추진본부) ;
  • 안병철 (한국이동통신㈜ PCS추진본부) ;
  • 김동호 (한국이동통신㈜ PCS추진본부) ;
  • 박용완 (한국이동통신㈜ PCS추진본부)
  • 발행 : 1996.05.01


This paper descries design concepts, structure and charracteristics of personal communications system based on wideband CDMA under developing for general low-tier mobile telecommunications services as the first step of the next generation mobile telecommunications systems that provide timely exchange of various types of information with anyone, from anywhere, at anytime. Also, wedesign a reverse linktransmitter/receiver structure for personal communications system based on wideband CDMA and validata the performance of the designed structure and establish the each parameter via computer simulation. Simulaation results on the effects of reverse link synchronous transmission and the effects of power control and control and channel coding in pedestrian environment for low-tier services are presented.
