HOS를 이용한 통신 채널의 역 모델링에 관한 연구

A study on the iverse modeling of communication channel by HOS

  • 임성각 (상지대학교 병설 전문대학 사무자동화과) ;
  • 진용옥 (경희대학교 전파공학과)
  • 발행 : 1996.05.01


This paper deals with an inverse modeling of nonminimum phase communication channel utilizing the HOS (High Order Statistics) of the received signal. After the communication channel is separated into the minimum phase and maximum phase components, the inverse modeling is performed independently. The performance superiority is confirmed by monte-carlo computer simulation in comparison with the traditional CMA (Constant Modulus Algorithm) method. By utilizing the proposed algorithm employing the HOS of the received signal, the inverse frequency characteristics of the channel can be obtained withoug transmitted signal in digital communication. This algorithm is required in preprocessing or postprocessing in order to remove the channel effect, and effective in the self adaptive equalizer which can minimize the bit error rate or symbol error rate in the recovry of received signal.
