Sequential Analysis of Earth Retaining Structures Using p-y Curves for Subgrade Reaction

  • Kim, Hwang (Member, Graduate student, Department of Civil Engineering, Yonsei University. Seoul, Korea) ;
  • Cha (Member, Professor, Department of Civil engineering. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Member, Assistant Professor. Department of Ci vile Engineering, Yansei University, Seoul, Korea)
  • Published : 1996.06.01


The sequential behavior of earth retaining structure is investigated by using soil springs in elasto -plastic soil. Mathematical model that can be used to construct the p-y curves for subgrade modulus is proposed by using piecewise linear function. The excavation sequence of retaining wall is analyzed by the beam -column method. Reliability on the developed computer program is verfied through the comparison between the prediction and the in -situ measuidments. It is concluded that the proposed method simulates well the construction sequence and thus represents a significant improvement in the prediction of deflections of anchored wall excavation. Based on the results the proposed method can be effectively used for the evaluation of the relative importance of the parameters employed in a sensitivity analysis.

탄성지반에서 지반스프링을 이용하여 굴착단계별로 토류벽의 거동을 검토하였다. 토막선형함수를 이용하여 지반계수에 따른 p-y 특성곡선을 산정한 수 있는 수학적 모델을 사용하였고, 토류벽의 굴착단계는 beam-column 방법에 의해 분석하였다. 개발된 프로그램의 신뢰도는 예측치와 실제변위의 비교를 통해 검증하였다. 건설단계를 잘 반영하므로, 앵커로 지지된 토류벽의 변위예측이 향상되었다. 분석결과에 따르면 제안된 방법은 민감도해석에 적용되는 계수들의 상대적 중요성의 평가에 효과적으로 이용될 수 있다.



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