한국과 미국의 식품 섭취 조사 방법 및 지방섭취량의 비교

A Comparison of the Methodologies in Food Consumption Surveys and Daily Dietary Fat Intake between America and Korea

  • 발행 : 1996.12.01


The nutritional status is America has been monitored by National Monitoring System since 1960's, mainly conducted by United States Department of Agriculture. The data from these programs were computerized and distributed to researchers. Researchers have manipulated and recalculated the data to produce meaningful results. Korean nutritional status has been investigated by National Nutrition Survey ever year, including food consumption, biochemical measurements and demographic variables. The Korean Nutritional Survey has not been organized and integrated as much as the nutritional survey in the United States and its results have been presented no more than as a report. Its raw data should be distributed to researchers and researchers could use the data to get more information. The purpose of this study is to compare the measurement of food consumption in Korean and America using Korean Nutrition Survey and Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals(CSFII), respectively, and to compare the consumption of fat and foods with a high fat content. The fat consumption in the Unite States has been decreased from more than 40% of total energy intake to 35%, while Koreas have consumed more fat according to the economic growth. However, the fat consumption in Korea was still much lower than that in the United States. Korean should pay attention to saturated fat consumption(animal fat), especially rich middle aged men, since they ate meat as much as much as men in the United States according to a recent study. In America availability of food with a low fat content(e.g. low-fat milk) and new recipes along with nutritional education has decreased fat consumption, especially animal fat, any more. Also, each consumption of polyunsaturated fat and saturated fat should be measured since the ratio of them are more important for preventing heart disease and some cancers.



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