Post-modernism 의 발생과 실내디자인의 수용에 관한 연구-모더니즘과 해체주의 실내 건축양식의 정량적 분석 및 해석을 중심으로

A Study on the Origination of Post-Modernism and Its Acceptance on Interior Design -Concentrated on the Quantitative Analysis and Interpretation of Modern and Neo-Modern Interior Architectural Style-

  • 발행 : 1996.08.01


The main focus of this paper is to apply contemporary aesthetics and psychological study with interior design analysis. Up to now, the methodology of interior design analysis has been developed toward a more qualitative way. By the virtue of the perception , congnition , and information theory, which oriented toward a quantitative approach, it became possible to investigate interior space analysis to a more objective and scientific ways. The purpose of this study is to investigate Modern and Post-Modern interior - architectural style with quantitative analytical method. The subjective interior critique studied by intuitive research will be transferred to scientific way by using quantitative formula . Savoye Villa and Guardiola House were selected as study model, because each architectural works ware regarded as masterpieces of Modern and Post-Modern style. These two oppositional style model will be distinguished with mathematical quantity by calculating Iave , Hmax, and Redundancy formula.



  1. 대한민국예술원 논문집 현대조각의 양식규정과 Modernity의 기본 개념 김복영
  2. 예술·기호·정보 가와노히로시
  3. Toward a New Acrhitecture Le Corbusier
  4. The Mathematical Theory of Communication Shannon, C.;Weaver, W.
  5. Theorie de I'Information et Perception Esthetique Moles, A.
  6. Recognition Sayre, K.
  7. Philosophy and Cybernetics Crosson, J.;Sayre M.
  8. Systems Thinking, Leiden Kramer, A.;Smit, J.
  9. Information, Sensation, and Perception Keneth, H. Norwich
  10. Sensation and Perception Matlin, M.
  11. Sacred Geometry Lawlor;Robert