김치 산업회의 국제화를 위한 제품 표준화 방향 -김치 국제규격 추진경위 요약- -김치 Codex 규격 제정필요성 및 규격안-

  • 박무현 (한국식품개발연구원 표준화연구부장)
  • 발행 : 1996.06.01




  1. Statistical yearbook of foreign trade
  2. Statistical yearbook of foreign trade
  3. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. v.23 Kinetic modelling for the prediction of shelf-life of kimchi bases on total acidity as a quality index Lee,K.H.;Cho,H.Y.
  4. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. v.20 Some quality changes during fermentation of kimchi Ku,K.H.;Kang,K.O.;Kim,W.J.
  5. Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition v.34 Biochemical, microbiological, and nutritional aspects of kimchi Cheigh,H.S.;Park,K,Y.
  6. Handbook of indigenous fermented foods Steinkraus,K.H.;Cullen,R.E.;Peterson,C.S.;Nellis,L.F.;Gravitt,B.K.
  7. Korean fermented foods Lee,S.R.
  8. J. Korean Soc. Food Nutr. v.4 Studies on the movements and interchanges of vegetable pickles in China, Korea and Japan Lee,S.W.
  9. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. v.20 Changes in the taste and flavour compounds of kimchi during fermentation Hawer,W.D.S.;Ha,J.H.;Seog,H.M.;Nam,Y.J.;Shin,D.W.
  10. Food composition table(4th ed.) O.R.D.
  11. Science and technology of kimchi(2nd ed.) Choi,S.Y.;Koo,Y.J.
  12. Science and industry of kimchi v.2 Regular intake of kimchi prevents colon cancer Oh,Y.J.;Hwang,J.J.;Leitzmann,C.
  13. National Nutrition Survey Report Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
  14. National Nutrition Survey Report Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
  15. National Nutrition Survey Report Ministry of Health and Social Affairs
  16. Korea Statistical Yearbook National Statistical Office