수분환경이 다른 서식지에서 자란 Impatiens pallida 의 두 개체군간 수분에 대한 경쟁

Competition for Water in Two Populations of Impatiens pallida (Balsaminaceae) from Contrasting Water Environments

  • Yang, Hyo-Sik (Department of Biology, Mokpo University, Muan-gun, Chonnam, 534-729, Korea) ;
  • James B. McGraw (Department of Biology, West Virginia University, PO Box 6057, Morgantown, WV 26506, U.S.A.)
  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


We investigated the role of competition in adaptation to varying water availability levels for two ecotypically-differentiated populations of Impatiens pallida found naturally in low- vs. high-water environments. In a greenhouse experiment, seedlings were grown in pure cultures at two densities (n=1 and 2 plants per pot) and in mixed cultures (n=2) under low-, medium- and high-water treatments. The two populations were shown to be genetically distinct across the range of environmental conditions in the greenhouse experiment, confirming previous findings. The two populations had similar morphological responses to density and water availability in pure cultures and mixtures, but the population from the high-water environment showed a greater growth response to high water availability than did the population from the low-water environment and the difference in growth between the two populations decreased from the high-water to low-water treatment. Relative competitive ability of two populations were compared under three different water treatments and two densities. Differential response to watering treatment and density were not reflected in a difference in relative competitive ability. Relative yield totals were significantly greater than 1 overall. The niche differentiation suggested by RYTs>1 may be responsible for the lack of differential competitive effects observed for populations in the three vatering treatments.



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