산민달팽이(Incilaria fruhstorferi) 수정관 내강 상피조직의 계절에 따른 미세구조적 변화

Ultrastructural Changes of the Vas Deferens Epithelium by Season in a Slug Incilaria fruhstorferi

  • 발행 : 1996.10.01


산민달팽이(Incilaria fruhstorferi)의 웅성생식기관인 수정란을 봄과 여름 등 계절별로 나누어 관찰한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 산민달팽이 봄개체의 수정관은 0.4mm정도의 근육질로 구성된 관상구조물로, 내강은 3갈래로 갈라져 있고, 전체 모습은 팔랑개비형태와 같았다. 그러나 여름개체인 경우에도 역시 근육질의 관상구조물로 구성되어 있었으나 내강은 4갈래로 갈라져 있었다. 광학현미경 관찰에서 수정란의 내강상피세포는 불규칙한 형태로서, 세포들은 m-b 이중염색에서 강한 methlenophilia를 보이거나, 반응 업는 밝은 부분이 교대로 배열되어 나타나는 현상을 보였다. 그러나 여름개체의 수정관 내강상피세포는 비교적 규칙적인 세포들로 배열되어 있으며 m-b 이중염색체에서 세포들은 강한 methlenophilia를 나타낸 봄개체와는 달리 밝게 관찰되어 서로 다른 양상을 보였다. 전자현미경 관찰에서도 봄개체의 내강세포는 불규칙한 섬모원주상피세포로서 전자밀도는 매우 높아 검게 관찰되고 이들이 소지한 핵도 그 형태가 불규칙하였으며, 세포들은 다양한 크기의 원형 또는 타원형의 공포들로 가득차 있었다. 반면, 여름개체의 내강세포는 키가 큰 섬모원주 상피세포와 섬모원형 상피세포 그리고 불규칙형 세포들로 이루어져 있었는데 세포들은 전자밀도가 낮아서 모두 밝게 관찰되고 포식작용이 활발한 몇 개의 용해소체만이 관찰될 뿐이었다. 또한 수정관의 내강은 계절에 관계없이 모두 각각 400$\mu$m 두께의 두터운 환상근육층으로 둘러싸여 있었는데 특히 여름개체의 환상근육층 사이에는 비교적 타원형의 vesicular cell이 관찰되고, 이들은 m-b이중염색체에서 약한 basophilia를 나타내었다. 그러나 봄개체에서는 vesicular cell 대신 원형의 결과과립들만이 관찰되어 두 개체 사이에 서로 다른 양상을 보였다.

A study on the ultrastructural changes In the epithellum of the vas deferens by season was conducted for the spdng and summer specimens of a slug Incilarfa fruhstoiferl. The vas deferens of the spdng spedmen was muscular tube about 0.4mm in diameter. Its lumen was divided into three flat grooves and the each groove was subdivided into two subbranches. The luminal epithellal celis of the Vas deferens which were irregular In shape showed strong methylenophilla in a double stain of methylene blue and basic fuchsln. The lumen of the vas deferens was filled with components strongly stained by methylene blue. The circular muscle layers surrounding the luminal epithellum of the vas deferens contained numerous granules arranged at regular intervals. The vas deferens of the summer specimen also was a thick muscular tube showing 0.4 mm in diameter. Its lumen was divided into four grooves but, the each of the grooves was not subdivided to form certain branclees unlikely to the spdng spedmen. The lining epfthelium of the lumen was consisted of simple ciliated columnar cells, irregular columnar cells and conical cells. The histological features were quiet different from those of the spring spedmen which showed irregular cell arrangement. According to electron microscopy the epithelium of the vas deferens in the spring specimen was composed of irregular columnar cells which had irregular shaped nuclei. The nuclei of the epitheilal cells were relatively large in comparison to their cytoplasm. The overall electric density of the cytoplasm was relatively high. The lumen of the vas deferens in the summer specimen was lined by a epfthelium with tail ciliated columnar cells and irregular cells. The unclei of the epithellal cells were long ellipsoid or irregular in shape. Both of the cytoplasm and the nuclei were showed low electric density. in consideration with the observable cell organelles were only ndoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes and microtutules, the cell organelles were poorly developed. The apical surfaces of the epithelial cells possessed brush borders with numerous microvilli and cilia with 9+2 arrangement of microtubules. The circular muscle layers surrounding the epithelium are usually thick and the degree of development of the circular muscle layers seems to be even in the both of the spring and summer specimens.
