수문지역별 최적확률강우강도추정모형의 재정립 -영.호남 지역을 중심으로 -

Estimation Model for Optimum Probabilistic Rainfall Intensity on Hydrological Area - With Special Reference to Chonnam, Buk and Kyoungnam, Buk Area -

  • 발행 : 1996.04.01


This study was to introduced estimation model for optimum probabilistic rainfall intensity on hydrological area. Originally, probabilistic rainfall intensity formula have been characterized different coefficient of formula and model following watersheds. But recently in korea rainfall intensity formula does not use unionize applyment standard between administration and district. And mingle use planning formula with not assumption model. Following the number of year hydrological duration adjust areal index. But, with adjusting formula applyment was without systematic conduct. This study perceive the point as following : 1) Use method of excess probability of Iwai to calculate survey rainfall intensity value. 2) And, use method of least squares to calculate areal coefficient for a unit of 157 rain gauge station. And, use areal coefficient was introduced new probabilistic rainfall intensity formula for each rain gauge station. 3) And, use new probabilistic rainfall intensity formula to adjust a unit of fourteen duration-a unit of fifteen year probabilistic rainfall intensity. 4) The above survey value compared with adjustment value. And use three theory of error(absolute mean error, squares mean error, relative error ratio) to choice optimum probabilistic rainfall intensity formula for a unit of 157 rain gauge station.



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