Studies on Water Quality of Agricultural Reservoirs in Chonbuk Province

전북도내 농업용저수지의 수질조사 연구

  • Published : 1996.04.01


This study was carried out to investigate the water quality of agricutural reservoirs in Chonbuk Province. The water quality of 189 agricultural reservoirs was surveyed in the environmental standard phase of pH, EC, DO, BOD, COD, T-N, T-P, etc. The results obtained in this study are summarized as follows ; 1. The levels of mean reservoir storage were very low as 26.9% in January and February, 29.4% in June, 16.0% in August, and 25.4% as a whole. 2. The water qualities of agricultural reservoirs were shown to be in the average of 6.8in pH, 0.2l0mmhos/cm in EC, 49.Oppm in turbidity, 28.5mg/$\ell$in SS, 3.79mg/$\ell$ in DO, 9. 9mg/$\ell$ in COD, 5.Smg/$\ell$ in BOD, 0.179mg/ $\ell$ in T-P, 4.O9mg/$\ell$ in T-N, 0.416meq/$\ell$ in Na, 0.154meq/$\ell$ in K, 0.320meq/$\ell$ in Ca, 0.166meq/$\ell$ in Mg, respectively. 3. In the analyzed results, the proper counterplan is desirable to be considered because the levels of water quality in most items except DO were comparatively higher than the limit points of agricultural water quality standard.



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