기관내 상관후 발병하는 기관식도루는 희귀하고 치료하기 어려운 질환이다. 본원에서는 3명의 환자에서 4차례의 수술적 치료를 경험하였다. 인공 호흡기로부터 이탈 후 경부를 통해 접근하여 누공을 분리 후 기관 결손은 단순 봉합하고 식도 결손은 2층으로 봉합한 후 근육 피판을 두 봉합선 사이에 위치시킴으로써 재발을 방지하였다. 각각 1례의 지연성 기관협착과 재발성 기관식도루가 발생하였으나 이 또한 성공적으로 치료되었다.
Post-intubation tracheoesophageal fistula is rare, and its management causes a serious problems to surgeons. We have experienced 4 cases in 3 patients. Simple ditcision and closure of the fistulas were done by trans-cervical approach after weaning of ventilator. The tracheal defect was closed by simple suture, and the esophageal defect was closed in two layers before a viable muscle flap was interposed between the two suture lines in order to prevent recurrence. There was one delayed tracheal stenosls and one recurrent fistula, and these complications were also managed success ully.