- U.S.Dept. of Agri., Tech. Bull. no.1468 Linear Theory of Hydrologic System Agricultural Research Sevice
- Symposium on Hydrology and Water Resources Development Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Derivation by Spectral Analysis and its numerical application Bayazit,M.
- Engineering Hydrology Butler,S.S.
- Handbook of Applied Hydrology Chow,V.T.
- W.R.R. v.5 no.2 Linear time varying Model of Rainfall-Run off Relation Chieu, Chao-lin;R.P.Bittler
- Dissertation for the Ph. D. Univ. of Illinois A basic study of the linearity of the Rainfall-Runoff process in Watersheds Diskin,M.H.
- W.R.R. v.6 no.5 Nonlinear time varying Model of Rainfall-Runoff Relation Chieu, Chao-lin;J.T.Huang
- Jour. of Geophysical Research v.64 no.2 General theory of the Unit Hydrograph Dooge,J.C.
- Res. Bull. v.506 Derivation of Hydrographs for small watersheds from measurable physical characteristics, Agricultural and Home econoics, Experiment Station of Iowa State Univ. Gray,D.M.
- 한국의 홍수 건설부
- 한국의 홍수 건설부
- 산업기지개발공사;한국하천조사서 건설부
- 수자원관리기법 개발연구조사보고서 홍수수문자료집 건설부
- 수자원관리기법개발연구조사보고서 하천유량자료의 계산 건설부
- 국제수문개발계획(IHP) 연구보고서 건설부
- Hydrology for Engineers Linsley,R.K.;Others
- 서울대 농학박사학위논문 한국 주요수계의 소유역에 대한 순간단위도 유도에 관한 연구 이순혁
- 한국농공학회지 v.37 no.3·4 농업수리구조물의 적정설계홍수량 유도를 위한 유출수문 곡선모형의 개발(Ⅰ) 이순혁;박명근;맹승진
- Hyd. Res. Station The Form of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph Nash,J.E.
- Ins. of C.E. no.6282 Determining Runoff from Rainfall Nash,J.E.
- 9th Convention A Linear Transformation of a Discharge Record Nash,J.E.
- Jour. of Hyd. Div. ASCE;Proc. Paper 5350 v.93 no.Hyd.4 A Nonlinear Hydrologic System Response Model Prasad,R.
- Trans. of Ame. Geophys. Union v.19 Synthetic Unit Graphs Snyder,F.F.
- Hydrology Section 4 Soil Conservation Service
- U.S.Dept. of Agriculture
- Trans. of Ame. Soc. of Agri. Eng. v.15 no.3 Characteristics of Short Duration Unit Hydrograph Wang, Ru Yih;I.P.Wu
- W.R.R.C, U.O.H., Tech. Report. No. 15 Hydrological Data and Peak Discharge Determination of Small Hawaiian Watersheds Wu,I.P.
- Colorado Univ, Experiment Station, CER 67~68-13 Research Data Assembly for Samll Watersheds Floods Yevjevich,V.M.