Clinical Study of the effect of Ear Acupuncture on 102 Alcoholics

금주환자(禁酒患者) 102명(名)에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察) (강원도지역(江原道地域)을 중심으로)

  • 강재춘 (지대학교부속한방병원 간계내과학교실)
  • Published : 1996.10.30


We had been investigated the effect of ear acupuncture in alcoholics, but in Kang won do province never we have been investigated. so then in Sangji university oriental hospital from Mar. 1. 1995 to Feb. 28. 1996. we clinically analized 102 alcoholics treated The results were summarized as follow: 1. In Age distribution, 40s were the top as 28.4% and next 30s, 50s, 60s 70s, below 3Os. In Sex distribution, these were 92 person in male, 10 person in female. 2. Marrige Status revealed in descending order ; married, single, divorced Sibling order distribution in descending order; eldest son, middle son, youngest son, only son 3. Distribution of education in descending order ; high school, middle school, primary school, collage and graduate school, illiterate 4. Distribution of occupation in descending order; farmer, labor, merchent, salaried and inoccupation, service 5. Distribution of religion in descending order ; none, buddism, protestantism, catholicism 6. Distribution of family history of alcoholism; yes(24.5%), no(69.6%) 7. Distribution of onset of drinking in descending order ; 20s, below 20s, 30s and 40s, 50s 8. Distribution of duration of drinking in descending order ; 20-29 years, 10-19 and below years, 40-49 years, 30-39 years 9. Distribution of the reason of drinking in descending order ; habbit, business and reduce of stress, no reason, syndrome of stop drinking 10. Distribution of frequency of drinking in descending order ; daily, four or five times a week, irregularly, once a week, two or three times a week 11. Distribution of amount of drinking in descending order ; two bottles, one bottle, three bottles, half, bottle above four bottles 12. Distribution of Chief Complaint of Alcohol in descending order ; no appetite and anorexia, diarrhrea insomnia, fatigue, vomitting, tremor, drinking water, hallucination, abdominal pain, constipation 13. Distribution of total MAST score in descending order ; 26-48 score, 13-18 score, 19-25 score, 8-12 score, 0-7 score 14. In the treatment effects according to MAST score, these were complete stop drinking 18.0%, improved 53.0%, unchanged 29.0%. 15. Distribution of liver function test and treatment effects in descending order ; ALAT, ASAT, GGTP, Trigliceride, Alk-phosphatase and Total bilirubin The treatment effects in ear acupuncture were 70.5% effective ones ; stop drinking 17.6%, improved 52.9%. 17. These were headache, nausea, vomitting sense, weakness in revealing symtoms after treatment, but no severe side effect. 18. Distribution of the times of onset in the change of taste in descending order; 3-5 times, below 2 times and above 6 times.



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