The clinical study of Myasthenia Gravis

중증근무력증(重症筋無力症)에 대(對) 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究)

  • Chae, Byung-Yoon (Dept of oph. & otolaryngology, college of oriental medicine, Kyung Hee Univ.)
  • Published : 1996.04.30


Generally the Myasthenia Gravis is classified into two of hereditary factor and acquement. Aquired Myasthenia Gravis was Quite well known to be caused by the autoimmune mechanism. Not in accurateness, on the hereditary, acetylcholine receptor antibody was to be analyzed very high in their parents and brothers. Also Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic disease characterized by voluntary muscle weakness and fatigue. above all, ocular Myasthenia Gravis is characterized clinically by blepharoptosis and external ophthalmoplegia and to be showed abut 90% cases and so oriental medicine can not but deal with myasthenia gravis at blepharoptosis. Accordinglv 20 out patients with Myasthenia Gravis were clinical study and observation as to the sex, age, progress state of MG, blood type, history, main symptom, liking for warm and cool food and tepidity, state of pulse, treatment of acupuncture and administration of oriental medicine etc. The results were as follows. 1. There was investigaed on the frequency of attack for sex, age, oculus dexter, oculus sinister, oculus uterque. Among the 20 patients, the number of female were 60% with 12 cases and male were 40% with 8 cases, therefore it was the rate of 6 : 4. the patients under 10 ages and 40 ages were 20% with 4 cases, 10 ages and 50 ages were 15% with 3 cases, 20, 30, 60 ages were 10% with 2 cases. And then oculus uterque was 90% with 18 cases, oculus sinister was 10% with 2 cases and oculus dexter were none of them. 2. Stage I were 50% with 10 patients, stage $II_A$ were 30% with 6 patients and stage $II_B$ were 20% with 4 patients, on the clinical stage and too class I were 20% with 4, class II were 45% with 9, class III were 35% with 7, in the functional activity the patients with chest heavy were 15% with 3 and hyperthyroidism were 10% with 2. 3. Hospital which patients had used to before came to this hospital were 10 university hospital and 6 local clinic. 4. The duration of disease was from 3 months to 30 years, the patients suffering between 3 months and within 1 year were 25% with 5 cases, 1-2 years were 30% with 6 cases, therefore within 2 years were 55%. 4-5 years were 15%, over 7 years were appeared less than 10%. 5. In the main symptom, all of patients were appeared to be heavy in opening their eyes the patients with blephroptosis were 70% with 14 cases on the oculus uterque, oculus sinisterf and oculus dexter, there were 20% with 4 eases each other in the oculogyation incomplete. visual failing, ophthalmoxerosis, strabismus etc and indigetion, frequency of urine(feel hurt), mild stools(or diarrea), oversensitiveness etc. but in addition, all of the other were 10%. 6. In the distribution of blood type, 0 types were 45% with 9 cases, A types were 25% with 5 cases, B and AB types were 15% each other. 7. For the rates of patients of liking for warm and cool food or tepidity, patients of liking for warm food possess 45% with 9 cases, and cool food possess 35% with 7 and tepidity possess 20% with 4, and then most of patients liking for warm food were females and cool food were much more males than females. 8. Hyunsae(弦細) were 40% with 8 cases, Buhurl(浮滑) were 20% with 4 cases, Hyunsak(弦數) were 15% with 3 cases, and in addition, the others were 10%, among 7 types of pulses. 9. The patients with less than 1 week were 40% with 8 cases, and there were female most of them and over 4 weeks were 20% and 1-2weeks were 15%, in the duration acupuncture treatment. 10. 15 kinds of prescriptions were administrated with oriental medicine from 1 week to 20weeks 1_2 weeks were 25.71% with 9 cases, 3 weeks were 17.14% with 6 cases and 6 weeks were 11.42% with 4 cases and also Gamibaetaugunbitang(加味培土健脾湯) were 28.57% with 10 cases, Gamijeounyongtang(加味正容湯) were 14.28% with 5 cases, Gamibojoongyigitung (加味補中益氣湯), Gamiyinsamyangyoungtung (加味人蔘養榮湯) were 8.57% with 3 cases each other and also Gamisamgitung (加味蔘?湯), Gamisamuloajatung(加味四物五子湯) Gamigoudungum (加味鉤藤飮), etc were applied.



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