Meridian collateral and meridian points have been the base of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. Also the theory have composed the main portion of Oriental Medicine. But the mechanism and scientific background has not been completely eatablished, and the research on the objectification of diagnosis of meridian collateral and meridian points, and acupuncture & moxibustion therapy has been necessary nowadays. A new understanding of value of Oriental Medicine has been increasing, the scientific understanding of meridian collateral and meridian points should have been examined. The system of meridian collateral and meridian points was very interesting topics between the scientists in the world. Especially, the elucidation of function and mechanism of Qi(氣) was very important in the scientific theme of 21th century. But there has been many difficulties in the study of meridian collateral and meridian points, since the system of meridian collateral and meridian points has the complexed function and vague structure in the organism. As the one of index of meridian points, the electric current has been used. In this report, the volume of electric current on the skin around the meridian points was investigated. The results of investigation showed the meridian points have higher electric current volume than non-meridian points.