Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 2 Issue 2
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- Pages.131-137
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- 1995
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
A Clinical Trial on the Method of Urine Sampling for Urinalysis
소변검사의 검체 채취 방법에 관한 임상실험연구
- An Hae-Sung (Department of Nursing, Center Medical Center) ;
- Lee Sung-Eun (Department of Nursing Science, KwanDong University) ;
- Park Hyun-Ok (Department of Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital)
- Published : 1995.12.30
Improving validity and reliability is the important components of clinical laboratory tests. And the quality control of the test should be started with the accurate collection of specimen. Urinalysis is one of the useful and common tests in diseases diagnosis and determining the process of medical treatment. Since urinalysis is requested routinely in hospital setting, the importance of the quality control for urine specimen is often ignored. To improve the validity of urinalysis, a clinical trial was done on the method of collecting urine specimen. The result was as follows : 1. The rate of presumtive UTI(urinary tract infection) was decreased in 21.6% with experiment method for collecting urine specimen. 2. The rate of presumtive UTI in female patients was decreased in 43.2% with the experiment method. 3. The rate of negative urine culture was decreased in 6.6% with the experiment method.