Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 2 Issue 2
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- Pages.115-130
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- 1995
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
The survey of mouth care among cancer patient received chemotherapy
화학요법을 받는 암환자의 구강간호 실태조사연구 -서울시내 종합병원을 중심으로-
- Byun Young-Soon (College of Nursing, Ewha Womans Univ.) ;
- Kim Ae-Kyoung
- Published : 1995.12.30
The incidence of oral complications among adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy varies from 12 to 80%. Adequate oral hygiene has been shown to be important in prevention of oral complication and an essential role is reserved for the nursing staff. These considerations prompted the decision to survey by means of a questionaire, the nurses who give care to cancer patients. The Questions were included multidisciplinary treatment, inspection skill, nursing intervention, nursing education, problem in mouth care, solution for problem solving. - Results are fellow : 1. A total of 116 of the nurses returned the questionaire 2. According to 88.2% of the respondents, the policy with regard to oral-hygine is determined by the physician and the nurse. 62.1% of nurses do not consult the dentist When oral complication is occured. 3. In only 34.5% of case was a penight used to provide the necessary extra illumination nursing Inspection of oral cavity. 4. Frequency of oral complications observed by the respondents is that they observed complications in < 25% of patients. The nature of the complication varied from ulcer, stomatitis, infection, dry mouth, candidiasis, herpes simplix, bleeding. 5. Percentages of respondents who use the intervention indicated 1) to prevent oral complication : 0.9% normal saline gargling(44%), 0.02% chlorhexidine gargling, oral dressing(38.8%), observation, nutrition, restriction of alcohol and tabaco(23.2%) 2) to deal with the early symptoms 0.9% normal saline gargling (47.4%), cryotherapy(37.9%), 0.02% chlorhexidine gargling(20.7%) 3) to help alleviate severe complications : dental consult, holding the chemotherapy(34.5%), 0.9% normal saline gargling(31.1%), cryotherapy(18.0%) 6. According to 70% of the respondents, insufficient attention is given to oral complication during nursing education classes only 8.6% said that both the theory and the practical aspects had been deal with in sufficient detail during their training. The results of the survey indicate thatoral care in cancer patients undergoing chemothrapy has a number of problem. There are not enough dentist to provide the necessary care for patients undergoing chemotherapy. The expertise of the nurses with respect to the pathogenesis of the complication is limited. In the training of nurses, additional attention to oral examinations and oral hygine is warranted. The care of patients should be the responsibility of a multidisciplinary team approach. The nurse occupies a key position with in this team, which includes the medical oncologist, a dentist.