트립에 기초한 물자취급 시스템에서 자재의 평균 체류시간에 대한 추정

Estimation of the Expected Time in System of Trip-Based Material Handling Systems

  • Cho, Myeon-Sig (Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Kyonggi University)
  • 발행 : 1995.06.30


We develop an analytical model to estimate the time a workpiece spends in both input and output queues in trip-based material handling systems. The waiting times in the input queues are approximated by M/G/1 queueing system and the waiting times in the output queues are estimated using the method discussed in Bozer, Cho, and Srinivasan [2]. The analytical results are tested via simulation experiment. The result indicates that the analytical model estimates the expected waiting times in both the input and output queues fairly accurately. Furthermore, we observe that a workpiece spends more time waiting for a processor than waiting for a device even if the processors and the devices are equally utilized. It is also noted that the expected waiting time in the output queue with fewer faster devices is shorter than that obtained with multiple slower devices.
