확률화 응답기법의 실용화 방안

A practical plan of randomized response technique

  • 류제복 ((360-764) 충북 청주시 내덕동 36, 청주대학교 응용통계학과) ;
  • 이계오 ((363-849) 충북 청원군 남일면 공군사관학교) ;
  • 이기성 ((565-800) 전북 완주군 삼례읍 후정리 490, 전주우석대학교 계산통계학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


응답자들이 응답을 꺼려하는 민감한 사항에 대한 조사에 거짓응답을 하거나 응답을 회피함으로써 응답편의(response bias)가 발생한다. Warner(1965)는 이러한 응답편의를 줄여주기 위하여 확률장치를 사용하는 확률화응답기법을 제안하였다. 그러나 이 기법은 이론적으로 우수함에도 불구하고 실제 사용하려고 할 때에 여러가지 문제점을 갖고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 확률화응답기법의 실용화를 위하여 이 기법들이 적용된 사례들을 비교분석하고 특징과 문제점등을 찾아 이를 보완하여 실용화를 위한 단계적 방안을 제시하였다. 또한 이들을 실제조사에 적용하였다.

In surveys on sensitive issues which respondents are unwilling to answer, response bias usually occur since respondents tend to answer untruthfully or evade answer. Warner(19650 introduced the Randomized Response Technique (RRT) which protected the privacy of the individual respondent to reduce these response biases. Though this technique are theoretically good it has some problems in applying this technique to field survey. Therefore in order to apply easily RRT to practical survey we present the practical plan through comparing and analyzing the several cases which RRT was applied. Also we take the field survey according to this plan.



  1. 확률화응답기법 류제복;홍기학;이기성
  2. Demography v.7 Estimates of Induced Abortion in Urban North Carolina Abernathy,J.R.;Greenberg,B.G.;Horvitz,D.G.
  3. Journal of Studies on Alcohol v.37 Evaluation of the Randomized Response Technique in a Drinking Survey Barth,J.T.;Sandler,H.M.
  4. The Journal of Psychology v.101 Sensitive Data Collection Through the Radomized Response Technique:Some Improvements Begin,G.;Boivin,M.;Bellerose,J.
  5. Sociological Methods and Research v.11 The Takahasi-Sakasegawa Randomized Response Technique:A Field Test Beldt,S.F.;Daniel,W.W.;Garcha,B.S.
  6. The Australian Journal of Statistics v.23 no.2 Estimating Marihuana Usage Using Randomized Response-Some Paradoxical Findings Brewer,K.R.W.
  7. Journal of Accounting Research v.20 Obtaining Responses to Sensitive Questions:Conventional Questionnaire versus Randomized Response Technique Buchman,T.A.;Tracy,J.A.
  8. Randomized Response:Theory and Techniques Chaudhuri,A.;Mukerjee,R.
  9. Journal of Official Statistics v.3 Measuring Drug Use Among Swedish Adolescents:Randomized Response versus Anonymous Questionnaires Danermark,B;Swensson,B.
  10. 1975 Proceeding of the Social Statistics Section Randomized Response to More Than One Question Drane,W.
  11. The Australian Journal of Statistics v.30 Randomized Response versus Direct Questioning:Estimating the Prevalence of Alcohol Related Problems in a Field Survey Duffy,J.C.;Waterton,J.J.
  12. Psychological Bulletin v.84 Randomized Response versus Direct Questioning:Two Data-Collection Methods for Sensitive Information Fidler,D.S.;Kleinknecht,R.E.
  13. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.68 The Two Alternate Questions Randomized Response Model for Human Surveys Folsom,R.E.;Greenberg,B.G.;Horvitz,D.G.;Abernathy,J.R.
  14. Randomized Response:A Method for Sensitive Surveys Fox,J.A.;Tracy,P.E.
  15. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science v.8 Using a Randomized Response Research Design to Eliminate Non-Responses and Response Biases in Business Research Geurts,M.D.
  16. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.70 The Randomized Response Technique;A Test on Drug Use Goodstadt,M.S.;Gruson,V.
  17. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.64 The Unrelated Question Randomized Response Model;Theoretical Framework Greenberg,B.G.;Abul-Ela;Abdel-Latif A.;Simmons,W.R.;Horvitz,D.G.
  18. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology v.43 Social Desirability and Randomized Response Technique Himmelfarb,S.;Lickteig,C.
  19. International Statistical Reivew v.44 Randomized Response:A Data-Gathering Device for Sensitive Questions Horvitz,D.G.;Greenberg,B.G.;Abernathy,J.R.
  20. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.70 no.349 On the Choice of the Unrelated Question in Simmons' Version of Randomized Response Lanke,J.
  21. Journal of Marketing Research v.15 An Empirical Validation of the Randomized Response Technique Lamb,C.W.Jr.;Stem,D.E.Jr.
  22. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.71 A New Discrete Quantitative Randomized Response Model Liu,P.T.;Chow,L.P.
  23. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.66 Optimization of the Unrelated Question Randomized Response Model Moors,J.J.A.
  24. Journal of Marketing Reseach v.12 The Colletion of Sensitive Information Using a Two-Stage, Randomized Response Model Reinmuth,J.E.;Geurts,M.D.
  25. Research in Higher Education v.26 Improved Estimation of Academic Cheating Behavior Using the Randomized Response Technique Scheer,N.J.;Dayton,C.M.
  26. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.73 Randomized Response Technique in a National Survey Shimizu,I.M.;Bonham,G.S.
  27. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.79 Telephone Interview and Mail Questionnaire Applications of the Randomized Response Model Stem,D.E.;Steinhorst,R.K.
  28. American Sociological Review v.46 The Validity of Randomized Response for Sensitive Measurements Tracy,P.E.;Fox,J.A.
  29. Sociological Methods and Research v.20 A Critical Evaluation of the Randomized Response Method:Applications, Validation, and Research Agenda Umesh,U.N.;Peterson,R.A.
  30. Clinical and Experimental Research v.7 Randomized Response Estimates of Problem Use of Alcohol among Employed Femeals, Alcoholism Volicer,B.J.;Cahill,M.H.;Neuburger,E.;Arntz,G.
  31. Journal of Studies on Alcohol v.43 Randomized Response Technique for Estimating Alcohol Use and Noncompliance in Hypertensives Volicer,B.J.;Volicer,L.
  32. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.60 A Survey Technique for Elimination Evasive Answer Bias Warner,S.L.
  33. Public Opinion Quarterly v.39 Estimating Public Opinion with the Randomized Response Model Wiseman,F.;Moriaty,M.;Schafer,M.
  34. Public Opinion Quarterly v.40 Making the Randomized Response Technique Work Zdep,S.M.;Rhodes,I.N.