Three Remakrs on Pitman Domination

  • Yoo, Seong-Mo (Department of Applied Statistics, Korea University, Jochiwon 339-700) ;
  • Herbert T. David (Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.01


Three remarks are offered, pertaining to classes of estimators Pitman-dominating a given estimator. The first remark concerns incorporating general loss in the construction of such classes. The second remark concerns Pitman domination comparisons amongst the members of such classes. The third remark concerns construction of such a class in the location-scale case.



  1. Communications in Statistics v.A20 Three Shrinkage Constructions for Pitman-Closeness in the One-dimensional Location Case David,H.T.;Salem,A.S.
  2. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Pitman's Measure of Closeness: A Comparison of Statistical Estimators Keating,J.P.;Mason,R.L.;Sen,P.K.
  3. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society v.33 The "Closest" Estimates of Statistical Parameters Pitman,E.J.G.
  4. Communications in Statistics v.A15 The Pitman Nearness Criterion and its Determination Rao,C.R.;Keating,J.P.;Mason,R.L.
  5. Journal of the American Statistical Association v.88 Is Pitman Closeness a Reasonable Criterion ? Robert,A.P.;Hwang,J.T.;Strawderman,W.E.
  6. Annals of Statisics v.17 The Stein Paradox in the Sense of the Pitman Measure of Closeness Sen,P.K.;Kubokawa,T.;Saleh,A.K.
  7. Sankhya, Ser. v.B56 Shrinkage Constructions for Pitman Domination Yoo,S.;David,H.T.