- Communications in Statistics v.A20 Three Shrinkage Constructions for Pitman-Closeness in the One-dimensional Location Case David,H.T.;Salem,A.S.
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Pitman's Measure of Closeness: A Comparison of Statistical Estimators Keating,J.P.;Mason,R.L.;Sen,P.K.
- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society v.33 The "Closest" Estimates of Statistical Parameters Pitman,E.J.G.
- Communications in Statistics v.A15 The Pitman Nearness Criterion and its Determination Rao,C.R.;Keating,J.P.;Mason,R.L.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.88 Is Pitman Closeness a Reasonable Criterion ? Robert,A.P.;Hwang,J.T.;Strawderman,W.E.
- Annals of Statisics v.17 The Stein Paradox in the Sense of the Pitman Measure of Closeness Sen,P.K.;Kubokawa,T.;Saleh,A.K.
- Sankhya, Ser. v.B56 Shrinkage Constructions for Pitman Domination Yoo,S.;David,H.T.