A Fundmental Study on the Medicinal Plant For Cut Plants

절화로 이용할 수 있는 약용식물에 관한 기초 연구

  • Published : 1995.08.01


The development of medicinal plants for cut plants and landscape plants were conducted through the literiture survey. The results were as follows: We selected 38 species of medicinal plants including 7 medicinal woody plants for cut plant and landscape plants from 450 medicinal plants. There were 8 species of Compositae, 4 species Ranunculaceae, 3 species Rosaceae and Umbelliferae, 2 species Polygonaceae and Campanulaceae respectively. The anthesis of Cornus officinalis, Magnolia denudata, Forsythia koreana of medicinal woody plants flowering before leaf spreading come to early than the anthesis of other medicinal plants. There were 4 species(11%) over 10cm of the flower diameter, 6 species(16%) over 5cm below 10cm, 19 species(50%) over 1cm below 5cm and 9 species(24%) 1cm below. In terms of flower color, 11 species(29%) were white, 9 species(24%) yellow, 6 pecies(16%) red, 5 species(13%) violet and 3 species(8%) were blue aided violet. In terms of the flowering by month, 12 species(32%) on July, 9 species(24%) on May, 6 species(16%) on June and August respectively, and 3 species(8%) on March. The most medicinal plants were propagated by division and seeding easily, but woody medicinal plants of 7 species of this study were propagated by cutting and grafting easily. The percentage of usage of parts of medicinal plants including woody medicinal plants was that roots were 20 species(53%), flowers 6 species(16%), fruits and all part of medicinal plants were 4 species(11%), and seeds and stem including leaves 2 species(5%) respectively.



  1. 資源植物學 槪論 安相得
  2. 生藥學 韓大錫
  3. 圖解 鄕藥(生藥) 大事典(植物篇) 鄭普燮;身民敎
  4. 東洋資源植物學會誌 v.6 no.1 鄕藥集成方의 植物性 漢藥材에 關한 硏究 姜椿基
  5. 中藥大辭典 上冊 江蘇新醫學院
  6. 中藥大辭典 下冊 江蘇新醫學院
  7. 藥用植物栽培學 金在佶;申永徹
  8. 藥用植物 遺傳資源의 體系的 收集 및 特性硏究 이정일
  9. 大韓植物圖鑑 李昌福
  10. 韓國造景學會誌 v.22 no.4 落葉造景壽木의 開花 및 花色에 關한 硏究 徐炳基;沈慶久
  11. 大韓藥典
  12. 藥品植物學 各論 藥品植物學 硏究會
  13. 原色 韓國의 野生植勿 尹平燮