모유영양의 실시 시간에 영향을 주는 생리적.사회행동적 요인 분석

Research on Biological and Sociobehavioral Factors Affecting Determinants of Breast Feeding Duration

  • 안홍석 (성신여자대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1995.05.01


The process of breast feeding was investigated from the 36th week of pregnancy to 12 weeks postnatal, in order to analyze the factors affecting breast feeding duration and provide the basic data on an education program for successful breast feeding. The general characteristics of study group had no marked effects on the breastfeeding duration. The young and highly condition during pregnancy and the degree of morning sickness affected the practice of breastfeeding. In the study of prenatal sociobehavioral factors, intended duration affected the breastfeeding duration, and the maternal perception that breastfeeding is good for weight loss after delivery as well as infant formula milk is not as good as breast milk, led to successful breast feeding. Among the postnatal biological factors, the duration of gestation affected the breast feeding. Among the postnatal biological factors, the duration of gestation affected the breastiffeding outcome. In the case of early parturition, breastfeeding rate was low. Among the postnatal biocultural factors, time of first feed, milk volume and maternal perception of infant's sucking ability affected the bresatfeeding duration. From these result, it is suggested that an education program such as participation of nursing class to the pregnant women should be provided for successful breastfeeding.



  1. 소아과 v.17 일부 농촌 지역 어린이들의 젖떼기 실시 방법, 시기 및 보충식이 음식에 대한 조사 이선자
  2. 대한가정학회지 v.15 한국 중도시 유아의 이유 실태에 관한 연구 안숙자
  3. 소아과 v.25 내원환아 및 육아상담아의 수유실태에 관한 조사 홍대식;정우식;김홍규;남병도;김규택
  4. 소아과 v.26 모유 실패의 원인 정귀영;이근
  5. 소아과 v.28 한국 영유아의 수유 실태조사 김경희;이근;김충희;이근수;신상만;한동관;문수지
  6. 대한보건협회지 v.11 일부 서울 시내 아파트 지역과 농촌지역의 수유 실태와 사회 경제적 요인에 관한 요구 권은경;채범식;한정호
  7. 소아과 v.31 이유에 관한 실태 조사 윤영래;방문혜;방홍기;이강인;차학주;박재옥;이상주
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