- 榮山水系 綜合整備計劃 建設部
- 서울大學校 大學院 博士學位 論文 榮山湖 運營을 위한 洪水豫報模型의 開發 朴昌彦
- 韓國農工學會誌 v.36 no.4 榮山湖 運營을 위한 洪水豫報模型의 開發(Ⅰ)-羅州地點의 洪水流出 推定一 朴昌彦;朴承禹
- 韓國水文學會誌 v.24 no.2 有效雨量 算定을 위한 曲線番號方法의 適用性 윤태훈
- A Guide to Hydrologic Analysis Using SCS Methods McCuen,R.H.
This paper describes the applications of the SCS TR-20 hydrologic model for simula- tion of hourly inflow rates from sixty-six ungaged tributaries and subareas between the Naju station and the estuarin dam at the Yongsan River Basin. The model was tested for the ungaged conditions with fifteen storm events at Naju station. Hourly simulated run- off data were compared with the observed, and the results showed less correlationships between the two data than those from TANK model. The coefficients of correlation ranged from 0.74 to 0.87. The curve numbers and time of concentration were defined from topographic dta for each of sixty-six tributaries for the estuarine dam and used for TR-20 applications. The results were within an acceptable range of errors in simulating the inflow fluctuations for the flood forecasting at the estuarine dam.