A Study on Recognition and Consumption about Instant Food of Homemakers in Inchon

주부의 가공식품에 대한 인식 및 소비 연구 -인천 지역을 중심으로-

  • 이강자 (인천대학교 가정관리학과)
  • Published : 1995.12.01


This study was surveyed concept and consumption for Instant foods by homemakers in Inchon city. The result of study were as follows. 1. In the view of integral numberized high, middle, low, high group reached 19.2%, middle was 50.2% and low showed 30.1%. As higher their ages up, the point was high. 2. Their concept of instant food is close to 'convenience' and 'time saving' but far from 'good for health', 'high nutrition' and 'safe sanitation'. 3. Divied into two groups with positive and negative, which proved their concept of Instant foods as 57.5% positively. Negative group which has negative concept for instant food has a good dietary pattern, Positive group which consists of low ages and high income showed positive attitute for instant fodds. 4. Consumption of bred, noodles and soybean sourecs is little bit higher than other items. Consumption by the group which has low ages, highly educated, having small number of children proved high percentage. Also, the group which has good dietary pattern showed low consumption of instant foods comparing to other group. 5. According to the relation between concept and consumption of the instant foods the group that conceives instant foods positive consumes higher than the group which has negative concept.



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