서울대도시권역의 설정과 지역구조에 관한 연구

A study on the establishment and regional strunture of Seoul metropolitan region

  • 이희연 (건국대학교 지리학과 대학원 졸업(Ph D)) ;
  • 송종홍 (건국대학교 지리학과) ;
  • ;
  • 발행 : 1995.03.01


본 논문은 지속적인 서울시의 성장이 그 주변지역의 성장을 수반하면서 서울대도시 권화되어가는 과정을 밝히고 서울대도시권역을 설정한 후, 서울대도시권역 내에서 기능적 특성에 따라 지역을 분류하려는 것이 그 목적이었다. 1990년 시점에서의 서울대도시권역의 경계가 어느 정도 확대되었는가를 측정하기 위하여 도시화 정도를 측정하는 지표와 서울과 의 기능적 연계성을 측정하는 지표를 토대로 하여 그 권역을 설정하였다. 그 결과 서울대도 시권역은 수도권의 거의 전 지역을 포함하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 서울대도시권역에 포함된 지역들은 서울이 갖고 있는 기능을 일부 분담하면서 기능적인 면에서 특화되거나 전 문화되어 기능적 특성에 따라서 신종주거기능 탁월지역, 제조업기능 탁월지역, 서비스기능 탁월지역, 잠재적 개발가능지역의 4개 그룹으로 지역을 분류할 수 있었다.

During the last two decades, Korea has achieved remarkable economic growth. In this process the nation has become urbanized and industrialized. But we have also encountered widening regional disparity, housing shortage of larger cities, transportation congestion, environmental pollution and many other problems. Rapid increasing urbanization and continuous migration toward Seoul since the late 1960s have been one of the major concerns of government. Government has sought ways to moderate the population increase in Seoul. The regulation which include new town development near Seoul and dispersion strategies of higher education and other administration and living facilities outside of Seoul havemade a great expansion of the spatial influence of Seoul city. Seoul metropolitan reaion has evolved as the most powerful center of political and economical spaces. Generally within a metropolitan region, there exists a growing mutual interdependence economically, as well as socially between a central city and its surrounding area. Seoul metropolitan region manifests itself not only as a coherent system of urbanized regions, but also as an integral part of the daily urban system. The surrounding Gyunggi province and Seoul city become closely linked both economically and functionally, constituting true functlonai urban system. This study is primarily undertaken with the purpose of delineation of the sphere of influence of Seoul city in 1990. At the time of 1985, Seoul metropolitan region was delineated according to the result of the study which was performed by Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements. Afterward, the rapid speed of metropolitanization process with dramatic increase in mobility through the provision of wider transportation system across the Capital region have evolved, resulting in the great expansion of the spatial influence of Seoul city. So this study examines the expanded area of Seoul metropolitan regin during the period of 1985-90. In order to delineate Seoul metropolitan region, the indices of urbanization and functional linkage are selected. Variables included in the measurement of the urbanization level are agricultural structure, population characteristics, manufacturing and service industries, and cultural aspects such as newspaper circulation, the ratio of car ownership and piped water supply. Variables included in the measurement of functional linkage are commuting, shopping pattern, centralized service such as medical facilities and trade of agricultural products. The standardization method and factor analysis are employed in making the delineation of Seoul metropolitan region. According to the result of this study, 2 cities, 8 Eups and 46 Myuns are included Seoul metropolitan region in 1990. If we compare this delineated area in 1990 to that of 1985, we can find the distinctive pattern of expanded axes according to the main transportation routes such as Seoul-Suweon, Seoul-Gwangju, Seoul-Incheon. In 199O, all the Gyunggi province, except a few Myuns located at the north and northwest part of Gyunggi province, are included in Seoul metropolitan region. Furthermore, this study attempts to the analysis of regional structure of Seoul metropolitan region according to the functional characteristics of each city and Gun. Variables included in this analysis are the new residential function, manufacturing function, service function, education and infermation function, public facility function and agricultural function. Factor analysis and cluster analysis are employed in making regionalization. Seoul metropolitan reaion is subdivided into four subregions which reflect different functional specialization. The first group is the specialized region of newly formed residential function. The second group is the specialized reaion of manufacturing function. The third group is the specialized region of service function. And the fourth group has little specialized in terms of manufacturing, service, and residential function. But this region has some potentiality of development when Seoul metropolitan region grow continuously. Seoul metropolitan region accounted for 43% of national population, despite 11.8% of national land size in 1990. Although Seoul metropolitan region enjoys important agglomeration economies, it also has huge social cost in the form of transportation congestion, housing shortage, rapid increase of land value, environment pollution, and etc. Efficient metropolitan plan making is a vital element in promoting Seoul's economic development and providing high quality living environment at low cost. In the light of the result of this study, the outer ring of Seoul metropolitan region, especially northeastern part, are underdeveloped compared to overdeveloped southwestern area. It is needed to develop the guidelines for the implement of the growth control and management plan, inducing more balanced development for whole Seoul metropolitan reaion.



  1. 대도시권 관리를 위한 정책연구 대도시권의 설정과 기능정립방향 국토개발연구원
  2. 서울·인천 대도시권 경제분석. 국토개발연구원
  3. 광영도시권의 설정과 관리에 관한 연구 국토개발연구원
  4. 수도권 권역 구분의 적정화 및 기능 재배치. 국토개발연구원
  5. 수도권 내부 공간구조의 개편 및 지역내 격차소멸 방안. 국토개발연구원
  6. 수도권지역연구 김인;권용우
  7. 인구이동에 관한 연구 문현상 외
  8. 부산 광역권의 지역구조 특성에 관한 연구. 부산 상공회의소
  9. 지리학 v.39 경제성장에 따른 공간구조의 변화 : 대도시권을 중심으로 이희연
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