A geometric criterion for the element of the class $A_{1,aleph_0 $(r)

  • Kim, Hae-Gyu (Department of Mathematics Korea Naval Academy) ;
  • Yang, Young-Oh (Department of Mathematics College of Natural Science Cheju National University)
  • Published : 1995.08.01


Let $H$ denote a separable, infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space and let $L(H)$ denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on $H$. A dual algebra is a subalgebra of $L(H)$ that contains the identity operator $1_H$ and is closed in the $weak^*$ operator topology on $L(H)$. For $T \in L(H)$, let $A_T$ denote the smallest subalgebra of $L(H)$ that contains T and $1_H$ and is closed in the $weak^*$ operator topology.
