Studies on the phrases of Yellow Emperor's internal classic(黃帝內經) for the physiology on the spleen and stomach

비위생리(脾胃生理)에 수용(授用)되는 황제내경(黃帝內經) 어구(語句)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • 원진희 (원광대학교 한의과대학 비계내과교실,원광대학교 부속 광주한방병원 내과)
  • Published : 1995.10.30


The research of the phrases related with physiology of stomach and spleen in the contents of Huang Di Nei Jing(黃帝內經) known as the Bible of oriental medicine will make a contribution to a deep understanding of disease of stomach and spleen and a proper clinical diagnosis and treatment of them. In this research of the most appropriate glosses recorded nine kinds of representative medical books including Huang Di Nei Jing Somoon(黃帝內經素問) of Wang Bing(王氷) were picked out: The summaries of the selected contents are as follows: 1. The word 'saliva(涎)' in 'the spleen controls saliva(脾爲涎)' can be viewed as a generic term referring to oral cavity secretion gland as well as the secretion fluid of salivary gland. 2. The phases 'a large reservoir(太倉)', barn organs', 'a reserboir of food stuff', 'a stomach as the market(胃爲之市)', etc mean the function of stomach to receive food(胃主受納). 3. The phase 'generation of five tastes(五味出焉)' means both 'the function of stomach to transform food into chyme(胃主腐熟)' and 'the channelling function of spleen.(脾主運化)' 4. The flowing of the food-Qi(食氣) into stomach brings about spreading Jung(精) into liver and then percolating Jung(精) flow into channel. The channel-Qi(脈氣) flows into lung through channel. As a result, all kinds of channels gather together in lung and Jung(精) is sent into skin and hair. The assembly of Jung(精) with skins and channels moves Qi(氣) into fu-organ and so jung(精) and mental activity(神明) in fu-organ(府) come to be in four organs(四臟). Then if Qi(氣) comes back to power balance unit(權衡) being in the state of equilibrium(權衡以平), the hole of Qi(氣口) comes to determine the matter of life and death through achieving Chun-quan-chi(-寸-關-尺). The above mentioned phrases means the digestion, asorption and transmission of food. When food is taken in stomach, Jung-Qi(精氣) comes to be over flowed upward into spleen, back into lung, finally downward into bladders through water-conduit(水道) controlled by lung. When water- Jung(水精) radiates into whole body with channels of five organs(五臟), both of them fit together with and yin-yang(陰-陽). Therefore, the grasping of the rise and decline of yin-yang(陰C-陽) is necessary to consult patients. The above mentioned phrases is properly viewed to designate the asorption, transmission and excretion of food. 5. Spleen controls flesh(脾之合肉也), the state of spleen is known by human lips, and what this means is that liver plays functions of spread and expansion(肝主疏泄). 6. The phrase 'Jung Jung'((中精)) in 'gallbladder dominates Jung jung(膽主中精)', which in one of the specific expression of 'liver plays functions of spread and expansion(肝主疏泄). 7. It is right that the phase 'The eleven organs in all are determined by gallbladder'(凡十,一臟取決於膽也) is correctly paraphrased as 'only one of ten organs, spleen, is determined by gallbladder'.(凡十,一臟取決於膽也), 8. The small intestine is an organ. which receives the materials digested and sends them out. This means that the function of transforming materials(化物) factually refers to that of separating clearity and blur(泌別淸濁). And it is also thought to have the function of ascending clearity and descending blur(升淸降濁), 9. A large intestine is a transmitting organ(傳導之官) from which a change comes out(變化出焉). the phrase 'change'(變化) in this sentence means both the intake of water and nutrition and the formation procedure of stool through excretion of mucocele.



  1. 黃帝內經素問 王氷
  2. 黃帝內經太素 楊上善
  3. 補注黃帝內經素問 林億
  4. 原本類經 張介賓
  5. 黃帝內經素問校釋 河北醫學院
  6. 黃帝內經素問靈樞合篇 馬蒔;張志聰
  7. 黃帝內經素問吳註 吳崑
  8. 黃帝素問直解 高世栻
  9. 素間經註節解 姚止奄
  10. 精校黃帝內經素問.靈樞 洪元植
  11. 新編黃帝內經綱目 李今庸
  12. 山東中醫學院學報 v.16 no.4 凡十, 一臟取決於膽 朱寶華
  13. 圓光韓醫大論文集 no.六 脾主運化에 관한 文獻的 考察 朴恩貞(外)
  14. 大韓韓方內科學會誌 v.13 no.1 脾虛證 本質에 對한 最近 硏究槪況 元秦喜(外)
  15. 脾胃理論與臨床 徐復霖(外)
  16. 中醫脾胃學說 危北海(外)
  17. 中醫臟象學 錢承輝(外)
  18. 中醫基礎求眞 李樹棠
  19. 臟腑證治與用藥 邵念方
  20. 新脾胃論 索延昌
  21. 中醫學基礎 上海中醫學院
  22. 臟腑辨證論治 金完熙(外)
  23. 中醫學三百題 朱邦賢(外)
  24. 中醫基礎理論問答 劉燕池(外)
  25. 中醫學問答 楊醫亞