- 古今醫方集成 吳克潛
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 沈氏尊生書 沈金鰲
- 聖濟總錄 趙估
- 大韓醫學全集 李正來
- 古今醫方集成 江克潛
- 漢方內科學 李基渟
- 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院
- 實用中醫內科學 實用中醫內科學編纂委員會
- 實用中西醫綜合診斷 陳貴延;楊思樹(主編)
- Ann. Rev. Biochem. v.46 Control mechanism in the synthesis of saturated fatty acids Bloch, K.;Vance, D.
- J. Lipid Res. v.19 Lipoprotein apoprotein metabolism Schaefer, E.J.;Eisenberg, S.;Levy, R.I.
- Ann. rev. Biochem. v.52 Fatty acid synthesis and its regulation Wakil, S.J.;Stoops, J.K.;Joshi, V.C.
- 慶熙大學校大學阮 漢醫大 博士論文 消渴에 應用되는 白虎湯이 Alloxan 精尿에 미치는 影響 金完熙
- 慶熙漢醫大 論文集 v.7 加味六味地黃湯이 streptozotocin 白鼠의 血糖量에 미치는 影響 許鐘會
- 慶熙大學校 大學院 博士學位論文 加味地黃湯과 오석초 實驗的 糖尿에 미치는 影響 鄭大奎
- 大韓漢醫學會誌 v.15 no.2 高血糖 쥐의 膵臟酵素活性에 미치는 生津養血湯의 影響 金信錫;催鐘元;李哲浣
- 方藥合編 黃度淵
- Ann. Clin. Biochem. v.6 Determination of glucose in blood using glucose oxidase with an alternative oxygen acceptor Trinder, P.
- Metabolism v.13 Serum pyruvate and lactate in uremia Galloway, R.E.;Morgan, J.M.
- Textbook of clinical chemistry Lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins Sten, E.A.
- Clin. Chem. v.29 A peroxidase-coupled method for the colorimetric determination of serum triglycerides McGowan, M.W.;Artiss, J.D.;Strandbergh, D.R.
- Anal. Chem. v.28 Microdetermination of phos-phorus Chen, P.S.;Toribara, T.Y.;Warner, H.
- Am. J. Med. v.62 High density lipoprotein as a protective factor against coronary heart disease Cordon, T.;Castelli, W.P.;Hjortland, M.C.;Kannel, W.B.;Dawber, T.R.
- Clin. Chem. v.18 Estimation of concentration of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge Fridewald, W.T.;Levy, R.I.;Fedreicson, D.S.
- Clin. Chem. v.17 A rapid and reliable measurement of serum lipase activity Yang, J.S.;Biggs, H.G.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.34 no.6 Effect of streptozotocin on the glutathion S-transferse of mouse liver cytosol Charles, A.;Anthony, S.G.
- Experimentia v.44 Effect of niacin/nicotinamide deficiency on the diabetogenic effet of streptozotocin Wright, J.R.;Mendola, J.;Lacy, P.E.
- Diabetes v.37 Mechanism of nicotinamide and thymidine protection from alloxan and streptozotocin toxicity Susan, P.L.;Carolyn, R.H.;Pam, M.F.;Nancy, J.P.;Glenn, L.W.
- Adv. Enzymol. v.44 The role of surface carbohydrate in the hepatic recognition and transport of circulating glycoprotein Ashwell, G.;Morell, A.G.
- Diabetes v.24 Physiologic mechanisms in the development of starvation ketosis in man Grey, N.J.;Karls, I.;Kipnis, D.M.
- New Engl. J. Med. v.309 The metabolic derangements and treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis Foster, D.W.;McGarry, J.D.
- Am. J. Med. v.58 Familial hypercholesterolemia. A genetic regulatory defect in cholesterol metabolism Goldstein, J.L.;Brown, M.S.
- Lipids v.13 The evidence for the antiatherogenicity of high density lipoproteinin man Miller, N.E.
- New Engl. J. Med. v.314 the phatogenesis of atherosclerosis An update Ross, R
- Lipoproteins and lipid transport Metabolic control and disease(8th ed.) Havel, R.J.;Goldstein, J.L.;Brown, M.S.
- Ann. Rev. Biochem. v.49 Regulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketone body production McGarry, J.D.;Foster, D.W.
- Br. J. Clin. Pharmac. v.18 Drug metabolism in diabetic subjects with fatty livers Pittiaho, H.I.;Salmela, P.I.;Sotaniemi, E.A.;Pelkonen, R.O.;Pitkanen, U.;Luoma, P.V.