Forty four patients with Bell's palsy were treated with acupuncture from onset and clinical observation was carried on from March 1994 through Feburary 1995. Acupuncture treatment was done 3 times per week and the acupuncture points were LI4 Hapkok, ST36 Choksamni, LI20 Yonghyang, BL2 Ch'anjuk, TE17 Yep'ung, ST4 Chich'ang, ST6 Hyopko, GV26 Sugu, CV24 Sungjang, GB14 Yangbaek and Ex-HN4 Oyo. They were inserted to a depth of 0.5 to 1.0 cm. After insertion, manipulation was carried on until the patients felt strong numbness or De Qi sensation induced by rotating or twisting needles. Through-needling in lengths varying from 2.0 to 3.5 cm was also applied from ST4 Chich'ang to ST6 Hyopko, from GV26 Sugu or CV24 Sungjang to ST4 Chich'ang and from GB14 Yangbaek to Ex-HN4 Oyo. The mean age was 39.3 and 63.6% of the patients were women, including one pregnant woman. There was no recurrent palsy in this study. By applying the House-Brackmann facial nerve grading scales, patients were evaluated weekly from the first treatment to judged recovery or the 7th week of the treatment. 86.4% of the patients were recovered completely within 7 weeks and the average healing period was 3.7 weeks.
1994년 3월부터 1995년 2월까지 1년동안 말초성 안면신경마비로 경희의료원 한방병원 침구1과에 침치료를 받기 위하여 내원한 환자중 발병한지 1주일 이내로 이부(耳部) 대장포진(帶狀疱疹)이나 종양 또는 외상을 당하지 않은 초발환자 44명을 대상으로 일주일에 3회씩 합곡(合谷)(L14), 족삼리(足三里)(ST36), 영향(迎香)(LI20), 찬죽(BL2), 예풍(TE17), 지창(地倉)(ST4), 협차(頰車)(ST6), 수구(水溝)(GV26), 승장(承漿)(CV24), 양백(陽白)(GB14)과 어요(魚腰)(Ex-HN4)를 선혈(選穴)하여 자침하고 치료경과를 관찰하였다. 지창(地倉)에서 협차(頰車), 수구(水溝)와 승장(承漿)에서 지창(地倉), 양백(陽白)에서 어요(魚腰)로는 투자법을 실시하였다. 환자의 평균연령은 39.3세이었고, 여성이 63.6%를 차지하였고 그중 한 명은 임신중이었다. 안면신경마비의 회복판정 척도는 House-Brackmann facial nerve grading scales를 사용하여 초진부터 초진후 7주까지 또는 7주이내 완전히 회복될 때까지 매주 평가하였다. 86.4%의 환자가 초진후 7주이내에 완전히 회복 되었으며, 회복되는데 걸리는 기간은 평균 3.7주로 관찰되었다.