백색부후균에 의한 염료의 탈색

Decolorization of Dyes by White Rot Fungi

  • 김현영 (서울대학교 분자미생물학 연구센터) ;
  • 임영은 (서울대학교 분자미생물학 연구센터) ;
  • 최형태 (서울대학교 분자미생물학 연구센터) ;
  • 송홍규 (강원대학교 미생물학과,서울대학교 분자미생물학 연구센터)
  • Kim, Hyoun-Young (Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Leem, Young-Eun (Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Choi, Hyoung-Tae (Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University) ;
  • Song, Hong-Gyu (Department of Microbiology, Kangwon National University,Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1995.12.30


백색부후균류에 의한 poly R-478, congo red 및 methylene blue 등 3 가지 염료의 탈색을 여러 가지 배양조건에서 분석한 결과 국내에서 분리한 구름버섯 (Coriolous versicolor KR-11W 와 C. versicolor KR-65W) 2균주가 정치배양시 가장 우수한 효과를 나타내었다. C. versicolor KR-11W는 poly R-478을 13일만에, congo red를 7일만에 100%, methylene blue를 7일만에 90%까지 탈색시켰다. C. versicolor KR-65W는 poly R-478을 15일만에 100%, congo red를 7일만에 85%, methylene blue를 7일만에 100% 까지 탈색시켰다. 대조구로 사용한 Phanerochaete chrysosporium IFO 31249는 poly R-478 을 15일만에 약 35%, congo red를 7일만에 85%, methylene blue를 7일만에 95%까지 탈색시켰다.

Decolorization of poly R-478, congo red and methylene blue by 5 white rot fungi which were isolated in Korea has been carried out. Coriolus versicolor KR-11W and C. versicolor KR-65W gave the best results when they were grown under stationary culture. C. versicolor KR-11W decolorizes 100% of poly R-478 in 13 days, 100% of congo red in 7 days and 90% of methylene blue in 7 days. C. versicolor KR-65W decolorizes 100% of poly R-478 in 15 days, 85% of congo red in 7 days and 100% of methylene blue in 7 days. Phanerochaete chrysosporium IFO 31249, which was used as a control, decolorizes 35% of poly R-478 in 15 days, 85% of congo red in 7 days and 95% of methylene blue in 7 days.



  1. 미생물학회지 v.26 탄수화물과 황산암모늄이 Pseudomonas diminuta의 리그닌 분해에 미치는 영향 김규중;신광수;맹진수;성치남
  2. 미생물학회지 v.32 구름버섯(Coriolus versicolor IFO 30388)에 의한 Poly R-478 염료의 탈색 윤경하
  3. 미생물학회지 v.30 Trimorphomyces papilionaceus에서 laccase의 catabolite repression에 의한 조절 정해숙;최형태;윤권상
  4. App. Environ. Microbiol. v.60 Role of mycelium and extracellular protein in the biodegradationof 2,4,6-trichlorophenol by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Armenante, P.M.;Pal, L.;Lewandowski, G.
  5. App. Environ. Microbiol. v.60 Production of some extracellular enzymes by a lignin peroxidese-producing brown rot fungus, Polyporus ostreiformis, and its comparative abilitiesfor lignin degradation and dye decolorization Dey, S.;Maiti, T.K.;Bhattacharyya, B.C.
  6. Trends in Biotech. v.11 Screening for ligninolytic fungi applicable to the biodegradation of xenobiotics Field, J.;Jong, E.;Feijoo Costa, G.;Bont, J.A.M.
  7. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. v.111 Further study discounts role for singlet oxygen in fungal degradation of lignin model compounds Kirk, T.K.;Nakatsubo, F.;Reid, I.D.
  8. Appl. Envrion. Microbiol. v.46 Degradation of phenolic compounds and ring cleavage of catechol by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Leatham, G.F.;Crawford, R.L.;Kirk, T.K.
  9. J. Biotech. v.32 Production of lignolytic enzymes of the white rot fungus Panus tigrinus Leontievsky, A.A.;Myasoedova, N.M.;Golovleva, L.A.
  10. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.59 Decolorization of azo, triphyeyl methane, heterocyclic, and polymeric dyes by lignin peroxidase isoenzymes from Phanerochaete chrysosporium Ollikka, P.;Alhonmaki, K.;Leppanen, V.;Glumoff, T.;Raijola, T.;Suominen, I.
  11. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.59 Ubiquity of lignin-degrading peroxidases among various wood-degrading fungi Orth, A.;Royse, D.;Tien, M.
  12. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.58 Mineralization of sulfonated azo dyes and sulfanilic acid by Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Streptomyces chromofuscus Paszczynski, A.;Pasti-Grigsby, M.B.;Goszczynski, S.;Crawford, R.L.;Crawford, D.L.
  13. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.58 Degradation of azo dyes by the lignin-degrading fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium Spadaro, J.;Gold, M.H.;Renganathan, V.
  14. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.54 Influence of veratryl alcoholl and hydrogen perorxide on ligninase activity and ligninase production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Tonon, F.;Odier, E.
  15. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.56 Effect of agitation on ligninase activity and ligninase activity and ligninase production by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Venkatadri, R.;Irvine, R.L.