A Study on Bu一ja(<附子>, Oh-du<烏頭>) Toxicosis

부자(附子)오두(烏頭) 중독증(中毒症)에 관한 소고(小考)

  • Published : 1995.04.30


In order to study on Bu-ja(Oh-du) toxicosis, the outhor investigated many documents. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Toxicosis of Bu-ja(Oh-du) arised mainly from carelessness in use. 2. In the symptoms of Bu-ja(Oh-du), Heart System(心系) symptom often came out. 3. The general and local paralysis, falling of blood pressure in Heart System(心系) symptom : vertigo, cramp in Liver System(肝系) symptom : nausea, vomiting in Spleen System (脾系) symptom : difficulty of breathing in Lung System(肺系) symptom : wasting disease in Kidney System (腎系) symptom frequently originated from toxicosis of Bu-ja(Oh-du). 4. In the detoification method, there are atropin injection, carrying out a gastric lavage, and supplying a liquid medicine from the western medicine : taking ginger-licorice root decoction, taking mung beans thick decoction and getting vomited with soaked cinnamon from the oriental medicine. And also keeping warm and oxygen inhalation were used to counteract poison. 5. A pregnant woman, heat of excess type(實熱), yang sydrome(陽證 )must not be taken Bu-ja(Oh-du).
