According to the literature surrey, we summarized the treatment and prescription for Su-Cheon(水喘), Hwa-Cheon(火喘) and Cardiac Asthma as follows. 1. The aim of treatment for Su-cheam(水喘) is I-Su-Hwa-Daw(利水火痰), Pynng-Cheon-Ick-Qi(平喘益氣) and Mokbangki-tang(木防己湯), Jungryuk daejosapye-tang(亭曆大棗瀉肺湯) Socheong ryong-tang(小靑龍湯), Gagamshinki-hwan(加減腎氣丸) and Shinbi-tang(神秘湯) are often used. 2. The sim of treatment for Hwa-Chean(火喘) is Cheong-Kuem-Kwang-Hwa(淸金降火祛痰) and Backho-tang(白虎湯) and Dodamtang-gamibang(導痰湯加味方) are useful. 3. In Oriental medicine, Sangmak-Sun(生脈散) and Sambutang-gamibang(參附湯加味方) for Ink-Qi-Ryum-Eum(益氣斂陰) and On-Yang-I-Su-Qi(溫湯利水化氣) are often used for cardiac asthma. 4. As the treatment for Su-Cheon(水喘), Hwa-Cheon(火喘), and cardiac asthma are Similar to, it is supposed to be need of careful differential diagnosis and treatment.