A Bibliographical Study of Oriental Medical Records on Alopecia

탈발(脫髮)에 관한 한의학(韓醫學) 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • Published : 1995.04.30


The causes and treatment of alopecia are concluded based on the records found successive oriental medicine in order to persuade new treatments for alopecia as following : 1. In the context of modern medical science male-dominated alopecia was referred as dok-rak(禿落), cho-dok(早禿), chon-dok(全禿), pal-ju-tal-bal, chu-bal-sun and pal-sun(髮癬) alternatively, while alopecia areata was refereed as yu-pung(油風), pan-dok(斑禿), kwi-ji-du and kwi-che-du(鬼剃頭). 2. The causes of alopecia is related with condition of Gi(vital energy) and Hyul(blood) in the twelve channels, such as weakening of vital energy in the conduits, condition of internal organs as heat in the lung, weak kidney or liver vitality, and eating habits such as severe ingestion of bitter taste or sweet taste food. Other distinct reasons are penetration of wind and dryness into a head due to weakening Gi and Hyul inside human body, flaring up of the asthenic fire due to excessive eatings, hard labour or psychological sufferings deficiency of blood, deficiency of vital essence of kidney, phlegm caused by dampness and heat, and stagnated blood. 3. According to demonstration of alopecia, the causes of alopecia areata are listed as internal wind due to heat of blood, deficiency of liver and kidney, blookage of channels and collaterals by stagnated blood, and causes of male-dominated alopecia are listed as wind dryness caused by heat of blood, dampness and heat, and heat, wind and dryness due to deficiency of blood.



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