- 생리학 김구자(외 2인)
- 蜂毒療法과 蜂針療法 金文昊
- 병리학 대한병리학회(편)
- 東醫病理學 文濬典;安圭錫;崔昇勳
- 難治病의 蜂針療法 성은찬
- 方證新編 宋炳基
- 東醫生理學 大韓東醫生理學合(編)
- 皮膚科學 大韓皮膚科學會 敎育刊行委員會(編)
- 內科學 李文鎬(等)
- 症狀鑑別治療 李鳳敎(編譯)
- 漢方外科 蔡炳允
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 大韓皮膚科學會誌 v.24 脫毛症患者에서 Minoxidil 局所塗布劑의 治療效果 李敏杰(等)
- 대한피부과학회지 v.29 no.3 DPCP(diphencyp-rone)의 원형탈모증에서의 치료 전덕규;은희철;이유신
- 대한피부과학회지 v.29 no.6 원형탈모증의 임상적 고찰(제Ⅱ보) 전태진;홍창권;노병인
- 대한피부과학회지 v.30 no.6 원형탈모증 치료에서 부신피질홀몬제 병변내주입의 적정방법연구 조욱;임철완
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- 中國醫學大系(文淵閣四庫全書)
- 脫髮의 中醫防治 謝遠明;姜曉(編)
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- 諸病源候論校釋 巢元方
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- 編註醫學入門 李천
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- 醫편 何夢瑤(輯)
- 外科證治全書 許克昌(等輯)
- Andrews' Disease of the skin(7th) Domonkos, A.N.
- Immunology Treatment of alopecia areata with DPCPinduces hair regrowth and affects the composition of peribulbar infiotrats Happel. R.;Perret, C.;Wiesner-Menzel L;McDonald, O.M.
- Disease of the hair. In Dermatology(2nd Edition) Maguire, H.C.;Hanno, R.;Moschella, S.L.;Hurley, H.J.(eds)
- Br. J. Dermatol v.88 Intralesional treatment of alopecia areata with triam-cinolone acetonide by jet injector. Abell, E.;Munro, D.D.
- Arch Dermatol. v.119 PUVA treatment of alopecia areata Claudy, A.L.;Gagnaire, D.
- Lancet v.2 Minoxdil in resistant hypertension Dargie,H.J.;Dollery, C.T.
- Arch Dermtol v.121 Topical minoxidil in hereditary androgenetic alopecia De Villez RL.
- FDA Drug Bulletiom v.15 no.4 Unapproved use of minoxidil FDA
- J. Royal Soc. Med. v.75 Alopecia areata treated with topical minoxidil. Felton, D.H.;Wilkinson, J.D.
- Br. Med. J. v.287 Topical minoxidil in the treatment of alopecia areata Felton, D.H.;Wilkinson, J.D.
- Arch Dermatol v.122 Topical minoxidal dose-response effect in apiopecia areata Fiedler-Weiss VC
- Dermatologica v.161 PUVA treatment for alopecia areata Lassus A.(et al)
- Arch Dermatol v.106 Treatment of A1opecia areata with steroid solution Leyden, J.J.;Kligman, A.M.
- Clin. Exp. Dermatol. v.14 Alopecia areata treated with diphencyprone sensitization McDonald, Hull S.;Cunliffe, W.J.
- JAMA v.233 severe hypertension ; Treatment with minoxidil Menta, P.K.;Mamdani, B.(et al.)
- Arch Dermatol v.82 Local injection of steroid and hair regrowth in alopecias Orentreich N;Sturm, H.M.(et al.)
- J. Am. Acad. Dermatol v.13 Topical minoxidil in early male Pattern baldness Oslen, E.A.;Weiner, M.S.;Delong, E.R.(et al.)
- Arch Dermatol v.118 Dinitrochloro-benzene treatment of alopecia areata Prost, Y.D.;Paquez, F.
- J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. v.12 Topical minoxidil reduces blood pressure Ranchoff R.E.;Bergfeld, W.F.
- J. Invest. Dermat v.25 The effect of cortisone in alopecia areata Rony, H.R.;Cohen, D.M.
- J. Am. Acd. Dermatol v.15 Therapies versus placebo in the treatment of patchy alopecia areata Tosti A;De Padova MP
- Arch Dermatal v.113 Prednisone therapy for alopecia areata Unger, W.P.
- Arch Dermatol v.114 Cortico-steroids in the treatment of alopecia totalis Unger, W.P.;Schemmer, R.J.
- J. Am. Acad. Dermatol v.11 Topical minoxidil for hair regrowrh Vanderveen, E.E.;Ellis, C.E.;Kang, S.(et al.)
- J. Am. Acad Dermatal v.5 Topical minoxidil in alopecia areata Weiss, V.C.;West, D.P.;Mueller, C.E.
- Arch Dermatol v.120 Alopecia areata treated with minoxidil Weiss, Vc.;West, D.P.(et al.)
- J. Am. Acd Dermatol v.11 DPCP : Examination for potential contaminants mechanism of sensitization and photochemical stability Wilkerson, M.G.;Henkin, J.(et al.)
- Arch Dermatol v.112 Prednisone therapy for alopecia areata Winter, R.J.;Kern, F.;Blizzard, R.M.
- 101시리즈 毛髮再生劑 使用說明書 章光毛髮再生精聯合總廠 101 E 靑春美之露 使用說明書 趙章光