풍(風)의 병리적(病理的) 의미규명(意味糾明)과 중풍(中風)의 원인(原因) 및 치료(治療)에 대한 동서의학적(東西醫學的) 비교(比較).

The study of comparison of Eastern-Western Medicine on the pathological concept of the Pung(風) and the cause and therapy of Jung Pung(中風) showed the following results.

  • 김세길 (원광대학교 한의과대학 순환기 내과)
  • Kim, Sae-Gil (Department of Internal Medicin, WonKwang University)
  • 발행 : 1995.04.30


1. The Pung(風) is the necessary power for growth and maintenance of life. 2. The characteristics of the Pung(風) is the Yang evil, the features for opening and excretion, mobility and rapid change. That is the major cause of all diseases, and its mobility is the main character. 3. Jung Pung(中風) is the same concept of apoplexy in Western medicine. 4. Jung Pung(中風) is classified on the basis of pathology, anatomy, and histology in Western Medicine, but In Oriental Medicine that is classified on the basis of symptom and severity of disease. 5. In Western Medicine, Jung Pung(中風) was regarded as the local cause of disease, but in Oriental Medicine regarded as the physiological changes caused by the weakness of the whole body. 6. In the emergency care, the method of GaeKeum is compared to Levin tubing, the method of to the use of urokinase for the promotion of cerebrovascular circulatio, and the method of To(吐法) to suction for the elimination of Dam(痰), the method of Hun(熏法) to the use of solution for the improvement of circulation. 7. With the comparison of the cause and diagnosis, the hemorrhagic disease and infarction were regarded as the major agents in Western Medicine and the symptom appeared in the patient was the standard of diagnosis and therapy in Oriental Medicine. 8. In the Western therapy of cerebral hemorrhage, the method of coagulation and hemostasis was used for the elimination of hematoma and cerebral edema, but in Oriental Medicine, the method of YanghaelGiHael(凉血止血) was used for descending the PungHwa(風火) and hemostasis. 9. In the period of recovering injury, the physical therapy was underlined for the recovering of partial function in Western Medicine, the method of accupuncture and drug therapy was adapted for the normal function of the whole body.



  1. 傷寒論譯詮 蔡仁植
  2. 金匱要略(中國醫學大系) v.2 張仲景
  3. 中風防治200問 陳士圭(外)
  4. 景岳全書(上) 張介賓
  5. 實用中風防治手冊 常靑
  6. 素問注釋雁粹(上) 程士德
  7. 素問注釋雁粹(下) 程士德
  8. 中風症治 沈全魚
  9. 實用中風防治手冊 常靑
  10. 備急天金要方 孫思邈
  11. 華陀中藏經 華陀
  12. 中風條變 張茂珍
  13. Manual of neuroloay
  14. 藥物療法 醫學敎育硏修院
  15. 神經外科診察法 大田富雄
  16. 神經外科學
  17. 黃帝內經素問靈樞合編 馬元臺;張隱庵
  18. 肘後備急方(中國醫學大系) v.2 葛洪
  19. 諸病源候論校釋 素元方
  20. 備急天金要方 孫思邈
  21. 外臺備要(中國醫學大系) v.4 王壽
  22. 河間三六書 劉完素
  23. 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
  24. 東垣十種醫書 李果
  25. 醫門法律(中國醫學大系) v.51 喩昌
  26. 批增醫學心悟 費伯雄
  27. 腦卒中(中風)百科 1 柳東俊(外)
  28. 醫心
  29. 東醫寶鑑 許俊
  30. 家庭醫學 醫學敎育硏修院
  31. Manual of neuro1ogy 카톨릭의대신경외과
  32. 中醫臨床大全 楊思澍
  33. 成人病 老年醫學 徐舜圭
  34. 대한의학협회지 v.34 no.12 뇌졸중의 진단과 치료 박영춘
  35. 中醫內科學 張伯臾
  36. 오행은 뭘까? 어윤형;전창선
  37. 東醫生理學 金完熙(外)
  38. 漢方生理學 柳道坤
  39. 實用中醫內科學 黃文東
  40. 병리학 이중달
  41. Cecil Textbook of Medicine James, B. Wyngaarden