폐암(肺癌)의 한의치료(韓醫治療)에 관(關)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • 발행 : 1995.04.30


To be helpful to the treatment of pulmonary cancer with oriental medicine, we got clinical reports together and analyzed the data. The results were obtained as follows: 1. The treating methods could be summarized as three methods that were reinforcing vital energy, eliminating harmful Qi, and reinforcing vital energy with eliminating harmful Qi. The methods of reinforcing vital energy were supplementing Qi & Yin, increasing pahological heat & reinforcing kidney, augmenting Qi & blood, supplementing vital energy and strengthening fundermental energy, reinforcing spleen and increasing Qi, lubricate Yin and lung, and the other methods of eliminating harmful Qi were transforming pathological fluid and softening, clarifying heat and eliminating poison, dipersing lung and softening, toxicding and softening, guiding Qi and activating blood, clarifying heat and dispersing lung, guiding Qi and counteracting stress etc., and the methods of supplementing vital energy with eliminating poison were reinforcing spleen and transforming pathological fluid, increasing Qi and activating blood, supplementing Yin and clarifying heat, reinforcing spleen and dry the dampness, lubricating lung and transforming patholigical fluid and supplementing Qi and activating blood. 2. The oriental prescriptions used for pulmonary cancer were Chunkeum-Weekyungtang & Sohamhwingtang, Jinhayookgunjatang, Hyulboochukeotang, Bokbangkyogonamtang was reported to be effective in the treatment of metastasis. 3. Bokbangshinjingtang and haewool were applied for the complications of pulmonary cancer, Soshihotang for fever, hangamryung for tumor pain. Prunus ansu Komarov, Eriobotrya japonica Lirdley, Pyrrosiae lingua Farwel, Steomon japonica Miguel, Maximowiczia chinensis Ruprecht var, Morus bombycis Koidzumi for cough, Panax Pseudo-ginseng Wall. var, Bletilla striata Reichenbach f., Acacia catechu(兒茶) for hemoptysis, Lonicerae flos, Aspongopus chinensis(九香蟲) for chest pain, Cypsum Fibrosum, Gazella gutturosa, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, Gypsophila oldhamiana Miquel for fever, Lepidii semen descurainiae semen, Belamcanda chinensis D.C, Gnaphalium affine(佛耳草) for asthma. 4. For the reduction of side effect by chemotherapy and radiotherapy it was known that supplementing Qi was used chiefly for side effect of chemotherapy and augmenting Yin applied to side effect of radiotherapy. 5. The oriental presciptions were suggested for the side effect by chemotherapy and radiotherapy ; Sammaekaek(參麥液), Whaebokwontang(化瘀復元湯), Hwangjungomitang(黃精五味湯), Yukmijihwangtang(六味地黃湯), Hyangsayukgunjatang(香砂六君子湯), Samlyeekulsan for side effect by chemotherapy while Geumgweisingiwhan, Hwanglyentang(黃連湯), Hwanglyenhaedoktang(黃連解毒湯), Yangyeunchungpeitang(養陰淸肺湯), Idongtang(二冬湯), Jayeunkanghwatang(滋陰降火湯) for side effect by radiotherapy.



  1. 인간생명과학 박재갑
  2. 病理學 金春元
  3. 임상병리학개론 김재식
  4. 病科學 v.下 李文鎬(外)
  5. 臨床藥學 v.6 no.1 肺癌 金禮會
  6. 알기쉬운 건강진단해설
  7. 암百科 朴贊一(外)
  8. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植
  9. 癌瘤防治硏究 賈堃
  10. 內科學 上海中醫學院(主編)
  11. 八十一難經解釋 難經集註 成樂箕
  12. 陜西中醫 v.12 no.1 中醫藥治療原發性肺癌的近況 余志强;吳正翔
  13. 東醫內科學 具本泓(外)
  14. 東醫臨床要覽 金定濟;金賢濟
  15. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.6 錢伯文運用攻補兼施治療種類的經驗 錢心蘭
  16. 新中醫 no.9 如何診治原發性肝癌? 吳玉生
  17. 河南中醫 v.11 no.5 肺癌2例治驗 李樹仁(外)
  18. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.11 溫陽補腎治肺癌 施志明
  19. 四川中醫 v.12 no.2 小柴胡湯治療肺癌發熱 易獻春
  20. 遼寧中醫雜誌 no.2 理氣解鬱法治療肺癌42例 張書林;武文玉
  21. 新中醫 v.26 no.7 吳一純敎授治療肺癌的經驗介紹 史恒軍(外)
  22. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.7 62例原發性肺癌的中醫治療 沈丕安(外)
  23. 新中醫 v.25 no.1 除痰祛瘀法治肺癌的理論認識及臨床應用 陳玉琨;吳玉生
  24. 中西醫結合雜誌 v.10 no.12 六味地黃湯或金匱腎氣丸輔助冶療小細胞肺癌的療效觀察一附 六味地黃湯及金匱神技湯對小鼠免疫功能的影響 劉釵儀(外)
  25. 浙江中醫學院學報 no.1 中草藥治療肺癌33例小結 翟范
  26. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.12 no.3 中醫藥對腫瘤放化療的增敏減毒作用 張代釗(外)
  27. 江西中醫藥 v.25 no.2 歐陽錡訂制以“解毒抗癌”爲主的常見惡性腫瘤治療 通用方 江西中醫藥編輯委員會
  28. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.28 no.12 複方絞股藍湯豫防癌症復發轉移的臨床硏究 王俊茹(外)
  29. 中醫雜誌 v.34 no.2 中醫藥放治肺癌放化療副反應 張代釗
  30. 遼寧中醫雜誌 v.21 no.6 常見癌症與中藥調治 張志速
  31. 中醫雜誌 v.35 no.4 益氣消症方治療晩期腫瘤臨床硏究 李萍萍(外)
  32. 中醫雜誌 v.35 no.5 參麥注射液對肺癌化療增效減毒作用的臨床觀察 劉魯明(外)
  33. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.14 no.6 中西醫結合治愈肺癌術後幷發支氣管胸膜瘻1例 王明軒
  34. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.14 no.6 扶正固本中藥對晩期惡性種類放 化療增效減毒作用的臨床觀察 李京(外)
  35. 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.14 no.6 活血化瘀配合化療治療癌症的療效觀察 任少先(外)
  36. 江蘇中醫 no.10 “抗癌靈”治療癌痛40例 李志湘
  37. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.10 52例原發性肺癌合幷胸水的臨床分析 郭松云(外)
  38. 上海中醫藥雜誌 no.1 黃精五味方升高白細胞作用臨床初步觀察 金長娟(外)
  39. 上海主醫藥雜誌 no.4 中醫藥減少抗癌藥毒副反應的臨床觀察 毆陽汝忠
  40. 新中醫 v.25 no.8 辛開苦降法治療癌腫化療引起的胃腸道症狀 楊秀文(外)
  41. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.16 no.12 健脾和胃法治療晩期惡性腫瘤 雷永仲;湯新民
  42. 臨床診斷學 R. H. MAJOR;申永基(編譯)