A Stochastic Partial Backorder Inventory System with a linear Backorder Ratio

선형 부재고비율(線形 負在庫比率)을 갖는 확률적 부분부재고(確率的 部分負在庫)시스템에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • 이강우 (부산수산대학교 경영학과)
  • Published : 1994.09.30


This paper presents an inventory model with partial backorders for the situation in which demand is deterministic, lead time follows normal distribution and back order ratio during the stockout period varies in proportion to the length of backorder period In this situations, an objective function is formulated to minimize a time-proportional backorder cast and a fixed penalty cost per unit lost. And then the procedure of iterative solution method for the model is developed to find optimal reorder paint and order quantity and a numerical example to illustrate the proposed method is presented.
