Geometrically non-linear dynamic analysis of plates by an improved finite element-transfer matrix method on a microcomputer

  • Chen, YuHua (Department of Physics, SuZhou University)
  • 발행 : 1994.12.25


An improved finite element-transfer matrix method is applied to the transient analysis of plates with large displacement under various excitations. In the present method, the transfer of state vectors from left to right in a combined finite element-transfer matrix method is changed into the transfer of generally incremental stiffness equations of every section from left to right. Furthermore, in this method, the propagation of round-off errors occurring in recursive multiplications of transfer and point matrices is avoided. The Newmark-${\beta}$ method is employed for time integration and the modified Newton-Raphson method for equilibrium iteration in each time step. An ITNONDL-W program based on this method using the IBM-PC/AT microcomputer is developed. Finally numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy as well as the potential of the proposed method for dynamic large deflection analysis of plates with random boundaries under various excitations.



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