울릉도 해안 익형아강(연체동물문: 이매패강)

Pteriomorphia (Mollusca : Bivalvia) from Ullng Island , Korea

  • Byung Lae Choe (Department of Biology, College of Science , Sung Kyun Kwan University) ;
  • Won Kim (Molecular Biology , College of Natural Sciences Seoul National University) ;
  • Jong Rak Lee (Molecular Biology , College of Natural Sciences Seoul National University) ;
  • Sook Hee Yoon (Molecular Biology , College of Natural Sciences Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1994.06.01


1989년 6월부터 1992년 8월까지 울릉도의 13개 지점에서 채집된 해산 이매패류를 조사한 결과 익형아강(Pteriomorphia)에 속하는 9과 33종(아종)이 채집되었다. 이들은 모두 울릉도 미기록 종이며, 이들 중 Modiolus(Modiolus) comptus Sowerby, 1915, Gregariella coralliophaga(Gmelin, 1971), Musculus(Musculus) laevigatus(Gray, 1824), Chlamys(Coralichlamys) jousseaumei Bavay, 1904, Spondylus(Spondylus) varius Sowerby, 1829 등 5종은 한국 미기록종으로 밝혀졌기에 이들을 재기재 하였다.

Thirty-three species or subspecies of marine peteriomorphs from Ullng Island, Korea are described . All the described species are new to the fauna of this island. Among them, five speices, Modiolus (Modiolus) comptus Sowerby, 1915, Gregareiella coralliophaga(Gmelin, 1791) , Musculus (Musculus) laevigatus (Gray, 1824), Chlamys(Coralichlamys) jousseaumei Bavay, 19.4, Spndylus (Spondylus) varius Sowerby, 1829 are newly recorded in Korean waters. These five species are redescribed.
