인공위성 중계기용 고출력 전력증폭기의 구현에 관한 연구

A Study on the solid-state power amplifier for satehite transponders

  • 김대현 (광운대학교 전자통신공학과) ;
  • 여인혁 (광운대학교 전자통신공학과) ;
  • 이두한 (광운대학교 전자통신공학과) ;
  • 홍의석 (광운대학교 전파공학과)
  • 발행 : 1994.11.01


This paper describes the development of a Ku-band ($12.25GHz\sim12.75GHz$) SSPA intended as a replacement for TWTAs used in communication satelite transponder. The power stage of the amplifier consists of tow intrmally matched 8W FET divices combined using the branch-line coupler. To operate this stage, the drive stage has been designed with intermally matched 2W, 4W, 8W FET and two medium power FETs. The entire amplifier is made up by a aluminum chassis housing both the RF circuit and the bias circuitry. A regrlator/sequencing circuitry is used for FET biasing. The amplifier results implemented in this way show $41\pm0.3dB$ small-signal gain, 15W saturation power, a typical two tone $IM_3=-21.5dBc$ with single carrier backed off 5dB from saturation, $2^*/dBmax$ AM/PM conversion, and $3.47\pm0.25nsec$ group delay.
