아파트에서 적정 급수량 산정을 위한 사용수량에 관한 조사 연구

A Study on the Quantity of Using Water in APT for Estimating the Reasionable amount of Water Supplied

  • 발행 : 1994.02.01


Using water in each apartment is influnced by several facters including the income level of inhabitants, the manner of life, the area apartments and climate. The automization of santory machines or facilites in recently bulit apartements has caused largely increases in amount of water use. Therefore the design for water supply is very important for the maintenance of the optimum level or pressure of water supply. This study is based on the offer of basic data for improving the quality of water supply and imploying the sanitory machine or sanitory facilites by analysis of amount increased of water use rapidly. The quantity of hot and cold water use by year is examined as a factor of construction in apartment.



  1. 韓國住居學會論文集 v.2 no.2 高層아파트의 建築設備 運用實態에 關한 硏究 安昌換;趙寧來
  2. 建築給排水設備 朴佑根
  3. 建築給排水設備 鄭光燮外2人
  4. 空氣調和衛生工學會便覽 社團法人 空氣調和衛生工學會
  5. 給水設備の負荷設計 紀谷樹外1人