조경분야에 있어서 COMPUTER의 응용

  • 김성균 (서울대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 오규식 (한양대학교 도시공학과) ;
  • 김은형 (서울시정개발연구 원 책임연구원) ;
  • 연대성 ((주) 캐드하우스 대표이사)
  • Published : 1994.07.01




  1. Graduate School of Disign 학교안내서 Harvard Univ.
  2. Training for Landscape Architects and Planners in Geographic Information Systems Laws,D.;J.Ahern;J.G.Fabos
  3. Natioanl Center for Geographical Information Analysis Core Curriculum Series Introduction to GIS NOGIA
  4. The Professional Geographer v.4 no.3 A Framework for Model Curiculum Development in Cartography and Geographical Information Systems Nyerges,T.L.;N.R.Chrisman
  5. International Journal of Geographical Informaion Systems v.4 no.4 A Syllabus for Teaching Geographical Information systems Unwin,D.J.(et al.)
  6. College of Environmental Design 학교안내서 Univ. of California
  7. Graduate School Fine Arts 학교안내서 PENN University of Pennsylvania
  8. 교육과정과 교육평가 김종서(외)