DINOSAUR : 다목적인 다층 영역 배선기

DINOSAUR : A General Multi-layer Area Router

  • 발행 : 1993.12.01


A ner general multi-layer area router, called DINOSAUR, is presented in this paper. DINOSAUR can route various types of routing areas, such as L-shaped channel, switchbox with/without obstacles, and rectilinear area with/without internal modules/terminals. The DINOSAUR algorithm consists of three major stages: layerless maze routing, layering by coloring, and rip-up and reroute. In layerless maze roution stage, the route of each net is determined by modified maze algorithm without taking the conflicts(short. circuits) into account. In layering by coloring stage, the layer of each net is determinde by a heuristic coloring algorithm. When the conflicts are not removed, rip-up and reroute process is invoded. In rip-up and reroute stage, the conflicts are removed iteratively. Many test cases have been run, and on all the benchmark data known in the literature DINOSAUR has performed either better than or comparable to the other routers.
