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- Blood and Hormonal Profile Association with the Length of Estrous Cycle in Saanen Etawah Crossbreed Goat vol.12, pp.2, 1992,
A study was undertaken to determine the incidence of short oestrus cycles and associated serum progesterone levels in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Forty lactating buffaloes were kept under observation for oestrus activity for a period of sixty days. Blood samples from jugular vein from twenty buffaloes were used to determine associated serum progesterone levels during short oestrus cycles. Incidence of short oestrus cycles was 15.5 percent (Nine out of fifty eight oestrus cycles) and most of the short oestrus cycles occurred between first and second oestrus after calving. Lengths of short oestrus cycles ranged from 6 to 14 days. The most frequent length was 11 days. Serum progesterone levels were lower at oestrus and increased gradually attaining peak levels of 1.3 and 1.8 ng/ml on 7th day of 9 and 11 day short oestrus cycles. One buffalos exhibiting a short oestrus cycle of 12 days conceived which indicated that ovulation took place at the oestrus of short cycle.