The Growth Analysis of the Crawfish (Cambaroides similis Koelbel) (Crustacea) 2. Relative Growth

가재(Cumbaroides similis Koelbel)의 상대성장 분석

  • 연근성 (성신여자대학교 기초과학연구소) ;
  • 노용태정병균 (건국대학 자연과학대학 생물학과 석남국민학교)
  • Published : 1992.04.01


For the analysis of the relative grouch of six body pans, such as carapace width. abdominal length, abdominal width, cheliped length, second pereiopod length and third pereiopod length, to the carapace length of crayfish (Comboroides similis Koelbel), the equation Y = bXa were applied. The results were as follows: 1. In the relative srourth of each body part to the carapace length, abdominal width and abdomial length in both sexes showed as positive allometrv, the third pereiopod length in both sexes as isometry and the rest shouted as negative. The least coefficient of the relative growth was found in cheliped length in female (0.9300).2. The grolwth gradient of each body part to the carapace length in each sex revealed decreasing pattern in abdominal length and third pereiopod length in both sexes and the abdominal width in male with the growth centers on the initial growth period. and the rest showed increasing pattern with the growth centers on the 6th growvth period except the abdomini,d uridth in female on the 3rd growth period.
