Individual and Family Background Predictors of Nontraditional Career Orientation among Korean College Women

전통적으로 남성주도적인 전문직 진출을 준비하는 우리나라 여대생의 성격 및 가정환경의 특성 연구 : 법대 및 의대 재학생을 중심으로

  • 김용미 (원광대학교 가정교육과)
  • Published : 1992.03.01


The purpose of this study was to compare the differences between traditional and nontraditional college women in regard to personality and family background characteristics. Subjects were 180 college women majoring in Education, Nursing, Medicine, and Law. ANOVA and discriminant analysis were conducted to analyze the data. The results showed that nontraditional women scored significantly higher in acacemic achievement, SES, and parental support and influence than traditional women. SES, psychological masculinity, and parental support and influence were the most powerful predictors of nontraditional career orientation. Suggestions were made regarding precautions and need of cross-cultral study.
