탄산(呑酸)에 관(關)한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究)

Clinical studies for Tan-San (呑酸)


Clinical studies were done on 43 cases of Tan-San(呑酸) patient which were treated by outpatient, took medicine with Ge-Wool-Hwa-Dam-Jeon (開鬱火痰煎) in Dept. of 2nd clinic, Christian Oriental Hospital from June in 1991 to end of May in 1992. The results were as follows. 1. The ratio of sex and age was 37.2% males (16 cases) and 62.7% females (27 cases) somewhat higher than males, In the age distribution, the highiest decade was thirtieth decade 48.83% (21 cases). 2. In the vocational distribution, housewives 51.16% (22 cases), commerces 23.25% (10 cases), company employee, teachers, students were in order of frequency and in the regional distribution was city 93.02% (40 cases), from village 6.97% (3 cases). 3. In the type distribution, the highiest frequency was Gan-Gi-Beom-Wi(肝氣犯胃) type 53.48% (23 cases), and Sik-Jeok (食積) 18.8% (8 cases), Bi-Gi-Heo(脾氣虛) 16.27% (7 cases) were in order of frequency. 4. In the western name of a disease distribution, the highiest frequency was chronic gastritis 37.20% (16 cases). 5. In the period of history, the highiest freguency was between six months and one year 23.25% (10 cases), furthermore between 5 years and 10 years 2.32% (40 cases). 6. In the treatment period, the highiest frequency was between 3 weeks and 4 weeks 38.46% (10 cases), and between one month and 2 months 30.76% (8 cases) was in order of frequency. 7. Treatment progress found out progressed 74.2% (26 cases) among the 35 cases which was known treatment progress.



  1. 內經 楊維傑(編)
  2. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  3. 東醫脾系內科學 朴鎬湜(外)
  4. 新脾胃論 索延昌
  5. 臟腑辨證論治 金完凞(外)
  6. 晴崗醫鑑 金永勳
  7. 丁茶山小兒科秘方 丁茶山
  8. 中醫內科變證學 王顯明
  9. 中醫臨床備要 案伯未
  10. 中醫症狀鑑別診斷學 中醫硏究院
  11. 韓醫學辭典 金賢濟(外)
  12. 東洋醫學大辭典 謝觀
  13. 中醫內科學 江蘇新醫學院
  14. 實用中醫內科學 方葯中(外)
  15. 內科學 李文鎬(外)
  16. 圓光韓醫大論文集 no.6 消化性潰瘍의 治療 및 通治方 活用에 對한 考察 文九