Effect of Yeemosan(二母散) extract on the contraction of isolated Guinea Pig Trachea Smooth Muscle

이모산(二母散)이 Guinea Pig의 기관지(氣管支) 평활근(平滑筋)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Lee, Choon-Jae (Department of oriental Medicine Graduate School Won Kwang University)
  • Published : 1992.07.30


This study was carried out to investigate the effect of Yeemosan extract on the contractile force of the isolated guinea pig trachea smooth muscle and elucidate its mechanism. The results were obtained as follows: 1. The contractile response of the trachea smooth muscle of isolated guinea pig to acetylcholine was significantly inhibited by Yeemosan. 2. The contractile response of the trachea smooth muscle of isolated guinea pig pretreated propranolol was significantly inhibited by Yeemosan. 3. Effects of Yeemosan extract on the contractile response of the isolated guineapig trachea smooth muscle pretreated methylene blue was not significant. 4. The contractile response of the trachea smooth muscle of isolated guinea pig to prostaglandin $F2{\alpha)$ was significantly inhibited by Yeemosan. 5. Effects of prostaglandin $F2{\alpha)$ on the contractile response of the isolated guinea pig trachea smooth muscle pretreated Yeemosan was not significant. According to the above results. it was suggested that the contractile response mechanism of the guinea pig trachea smooth muscle to Yeemosan was related to sympathetic nervous system receptor and other mechanism should have further study.



  1. 醫學入門 李정
  2. 丹溪心法附餘 v.上 朱震亨(方 廣編註)
  3. 張氏景岳全書 張介賓
  4. 國譯醫方集解 汪昻;蔡仁植(譯);孟華燮(譯)
  5. 古今醫方集咸(一) 吳克潛
  6. 圖書集成醫部全錄 (九) 陳夢雷
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  8. 醫宗損益 v.上 黃道淵
  9. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  10. 萬病回春 v.上 공延賢
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  12. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  13. 東醫肺系內科學 李珩九;鄭昇杞
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  17. 醫學正傳 盧天民
  18. 內科學 v.下 李文鎬(外)
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  20. 華蓋散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金聖炫
  21. 紫蘇飮子가 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 宋鎭吾
  22. 淸肺湯및 加味淸肺湯이 Oleic acid로 誘發시킨 -家兎의 肺水腫과 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 金炳勳
  23. 解表 兩陳湯 및 解表 二陳湯이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支 平滑筋에 미치는 影響 朴千洙
  24. 麻黃散이 GUINEA PIG의 氣管支平滑筋에 미치는 影響 洪在義
  25. 黃帝內經靈樞譯解 楊維傑
  26. 黃帝內經素門譯解 楊維傑
  27. 中醫內科學 上海中醫學院(編)
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