A study in Mack-Gyung(脈經) on taking pulse of relative weight to five Viscera attachment system in Nan-Gyung(難經)

난경(難經)에서 안맥(按脈)의 경중(輕重)에 따른 오장배속방법(五臟配屬方法)에 대(對)한 맥경(脈經)과의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)

  • Published : 1992.07.30


In Nan-Gyung, showed that could know the lung condition taking pulse with the weight of three beans, the heart condition taking pulse with the weight of six beans, the spleen condition taking pulse with the weight of nine beans, the liver condition taking pulse with the weight of twelve beans, the kidney condition pressing to bone(骨). This theory is first suggested in Nan-Gyung(難經). In those case, the weight of three, six, nine, twelve beans and pressing to bone don't mean not the real weight but the relative weight(輕重) of taking pulse(按脈). In other words, those represent Boo Jung Chin(浮中沈), which are the conception of the upper, the meddle, the lower part(上中下). So, we could take pulse of the heart and the lung condition in Boo(浮), the spleen condition in Jung(中), and the liver and the kidney condition in Chim(沈). The heart and the lung pulse showed in the Boo(float level) must be seen with Boo-Mack(부맥 : float pulse), the liver and the kidney pulse showed in Chim (sinklevel) must be seen also with Chin-Mack(沈脈 : sink pulse). The result of the method of taking pulse of viscera with relative weight focused on the as pect of mornal pulse(平脈) and disease pulse(病脈) of five viscera in Mack-Gyung publeshed later than Nan-Gyung and special works which made a comprehensive survey the result is as follow. 1. In normal pulse of five viscera, the heart and the lunk pulse were shown with Boo-Mack(浮脈:float pulse) as the central figure, the liver's and the kidney's pulse were shown centering around Chim-Mack(沈脈: sink pulse) and the spleen's pulse was shown with Wan-Mack(緩脈) which is vital force of stomach(胃氣) and seen in only middle part. 2. In disease pulse of five viscera, frequently, the heart and the lung pulse was shown as Chim-Mack(sink pulse), the liver and the kidney pulse was seen as Boo-Mack (float pulse). 3. In the case of normal pulse. the method of taking pulse with relative weight in Nan-Gyung agree with the normal pulse of five viscera in Mack-Gyung. But in the case of disease pulse, they didn't correspond with the other. 4. So the method of taking pulse with relative weight in Nan-Gyung is not the exam pulse which ca be used in the clinical diagnosis but one of the feeling pulse way to bring in the conception of location of the visceras. 5. From now on, the method of taking pulse rdlated to relative weight need to be looked into minutely compared with later physician's theory than Mack-Gyung.



  1. 漢方診斷學 金泰熙(外)
  2. 漢醫學大辭典(醫吏文獻大編) 漢醫學大辭典編纂委員會
  3. 東醫寶鑑 許俊
  4. 難經今澤 唐湘淸
  5. 脈經 王叔和
  6. 景岳全書 張介賓
  7. 傷寒論 (醫部全錄) 張機
  8. 脈訣 (東垣十書) 崔嘉彦
  9. 扁?, 難經(圖註難經脈訣) 王叔和
  10. 診家樞要 (醫部全錄) 滑壽
  11. 難經本義 滑壽